Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Worry Club

I think I am going to form a Worriers Club with Kim. She says it much better than me, but I too believe I spend too much of my time/energy worrying. Most of the time I can talk myself down from the ledge, but there are certain things that really get under my skin and serve as a catalyst for other worries. Like if I'm going to stick my toe in the water, why not just dive under and get all soaking wet.

Currently worried about: 1. Negative account balance. I stop being a militant, calculator-wielding banker-Nazi for one flipping second, and what happens. Never assume you have a buffer, Pen, never. And as mad as you may be at the bank for nailing you $30 a pop for each time you spent a measley $8 on food or whatever, it's still your own damn fault.

2. Speaking of oneself in the third person. Never a good sign.

3. J.Lo, who is currently in his own stressful situation.

4. K.Lo, and how I'm going to teach her everything she needs to know.

5. The stupid Tropical Storm Ernesto, which might become a hurricane, which might make its way straight through our town, which might prevent my worrying friend from coming to visit (NOOO!), and which probably will knock out power, even if it doesn't do anything else. Which is super-annoying, because I am a total diva about electricity. (Another reason I wouldn't last on Survivor--because I might miss an episode of Survivor.)

6. Self-imposing a punishment for item 1, overdraft fees. No longer allowed to buy: couch slipcover, big bowl for giant candle, food dehydrator, or kitchen curtains. All right, maybe the kitchen curtains. Maybe.

7. Making a dentist appointment.

8. How this is all killing my usual positive vibe.


mendacious said...

wait, that's what drugs are for! yea! okay how about chocolate? exercise? fung shei? dusting? writing????? mod-podge??? gardening? no. none of that. that takes too much time- sometimes i think it better to cry over spilt milk than cut yourself on the glass. there's some cleaning up to be done, some grieving and some getting some new milk but it's still sad... especially if it was chocolate and there was no more milk left to make another one.

ashley said...

If the electricity goes out, come to my house. I'm two blocks from the ambulance dispatch, so I'm on a priority grid - my power almost never goes out. But my car gets broken into a lot. It's a ying and yang situation.

penelope said...

I'm going to take you up on that.

Kim said...

I am SO into this club. We can talk to each other about how our worries are silly, and then we can begin to worry that we're taking our worrying too lightly.

Currently worried: that the neighbor will find that one piece of dog poop I could not locate in a pile of leaves, and will assume that I am not the vigilant pooper-scooper I claim to be.

That this stupid tropical storm will fling a cow into my car, Twister-style, on my valiant attempt to come to Wilmington.

That I am making everyone's worrying a lot worse by pointing out how much we worry.

daisy said...

I am currently worried that my doctor will not refill my klonopin prescription and that if I don't blog more often, I will be moved to the "B" list blogging section on your right hand navigation.

But as my mother always tells me, "Worrying is an advanced form of suffering."

And we have NO reason to suffer. (well we do, but that's what the damn klonopin is for!)


Megs said...

I always think of worrying as some advanced form of prayer. The universe is so contrary that it never hits you with anything you've already thought or worried about, let alone planned for, so if you worry about everything, you must be safe, right?

penelope said...


Cue said...

On the quick -- it looks like Ernesto is not going to head your way, which means it probably won't head mine, either. CURSES.

I'd really like a mandatory evacuation right now.