Saturday, August 5, 2006

mmmm, pie.

Today I made a blueberry pie, crust from scratch and everything, and it is dee-licious. Also, in the slow-cooker, a batch of Thai chicken wings with peanut sauce. Rice on the side, and peas, to be all balanced and stuff.

It's raining. The sky finally broke. Which is good, considering the eggplant looked ready for the home. The rest of the garden is about done, and I don't think I'll do anything else with it this year. Maybe some herbs on a late-summer whim. I didn't even use any basil, which is a shame, but it's still there, so maybe I'll see if I can keep it. Maybe it will live inside.

In other news, or not-news, I started journaling again. I haven't kept a journal for...a really long damn time. Not sure if I'll keep it up, and this time I have no expectations, no delusions of grandeur. I'm doing it for the sole reason of having somewhere to put all the extra thoughts, the extra juggling balls that keep falling to the ground, rolling away and going squish. Like we were discussing on Kim's blog, journaling and blogging don't need to be mutually exclusive. There's just too much stuff going on up there to go into the blog, and frankly most of it's really boring. So there it goes, into a journal file. I'm using a setting on Word that automatically makes the background blue and the text white. Trebuchet, 12-point. I like.


ashley said...

Isn't it funny how the font choice makes such a difference? I have such a hard time journaling in Times New Roman because I feel like I'm writing a term paper. Or the MFA exam. Shudder.

P.S. Blueberry pie = yum

Daniel Bruckner said...

I prefer to journal in wingdings, though it takes some getting used to.

penelope said...

the font really does make a difference. i used to be in love with garamond, but i think i've moved on.

johann, do you have special glasses for decoding that?

mendacious said...