Monday, September 18, 2006

today's little gem

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In order to stop being emerald green with envy, try being happy with what you already have!
Oh, and also--if offered the very thing you covet, try *this time* to accept the offer graciously. Sometimes, in happily accepting what you are given, you are actually giving the giver an even bigger gift.
Lastly, ladies and gents: Remember, you can't have it both ways!
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mendacious said...

uh, i resent that my birthstone is being aligned with envy in any way- i think it's showing an undue bias to green and to gems and is causing our continual fights for rights to diminish.

penelope said...

you'd rather "peridot with envy?" then i have to worry about insulting all the august's, and- it doesn't have the same ring.

i hear the next edition of survivor will organize the tribes by birthstones. they will each be named for one of the 7 deadly sins.

mendacious said...


Anonymous said...

Everyone knows green is the color of
primordial rage
Pen, not envy.
