Friday, September 15, 2006

okay, so--

I happened to love the new Survivor. I read a few reviews today (see here and here), with the reviews being decidedly mixed. Whatever. Frankly, I think the gimmick of oranizing tribes by race is a brilliant one, at least from a marketing standpoint. Controversy, for better or worse, will always encourage viewership. As far as "smashing stereotypes" or whatever Burnett says the show will do, I doubt it. People are just people, both in and out of Survivor, which means the Survivors and their viewers each have their own individual beliefs, personalities, etc, and the show's construct will likely have little part in changing them. The show itself, however, will continue to do what it *usually* does, which is entertain.

Favorites so far:
  • Cao Boi, the sort of eccentric Vietnamese guy who banished his tribemate's headache with some violent-looking "old world" remedy. I'm nervous that he won't last long on the show because he's kind of weird and not as strong as the others, and therefore is an easy target. However, I love that he walks to the beat of his own drum.
  • The way they jumped right into the action, Survivor Old School-style. Immediately we cut to the boat thrashing around on choppy water, and to Jeffy, our faithful narrator.
  • That crazy chick with the dreads. I don't particuarly like or dislike "Flicka," but she's interesting, I'll give her that. I can't believe she let those damn chickens go, although they didn't really belong to the whiteys in the first place so...
  • Jonathan Penner, the "writer." Oh buddy, if you don't write about being on the show, forget you.
  • Exile Island. Even though I'm a little tired of the Exile Island angle, it looks super-scary this time around--scary in that there's nothing to it. It's a really small island, with a couple of trees, a bag of water, a flint, and a pot. I think that's it. What the hell would you do out there for 48 hours. Ugh.
  • Jeff Probst, sans dorky hat. Until the reward/immunity challenge. I'm not sure who his stylist out there is, but if he could go ahead and do without the hat? That would be great, thanks. Although I suppose it does help with the sun and all. And I suppose his hat was better than Flicka's, which was, in a word, puzzling. Like she got in a fight with Barney and won?

No predictions just yet for a winner, but so far--dynamic personalities, interesting location, etc. Way, way better than Thailand. And that, at this early point, is all we can really ask for.


Anonymous said...

Looks like it's going to be a *very* interesting season. The controversial angle got them airtime on all the right-wing radio dudes, so I bet the ratings are gonna be ridiculous.

Kill Whitey, by the way.

Daniel Bruckner said...

Since the darkies are probably going to lose the first four challenges (unless there's a twist and they pick up a gook or spic), they'll be the focus of my expert survivor analysis. Now I know in the preview they teased us that the beaners might throw the next challenge, but that's not going to happen. What WILL happen is we'll get to hear the punchline to Cao Boi's joke, 'What do you call a Vietnamese with three dogs?' I'm tempted to cheat and look it up, but I'll wait. Anayway, Stephanie played tribal council perfectly. Now her next move is to keep the ladies on track to vote out nathan and then just before tribal, she should jump over to nathan and vote for sundra. sundra loses (via tiebreaker), and now stephanie is set. They vote Rebecca off at 2-1, and then when it's just stephanie and nathan. nathan, carrying votes from the second council, is a dead duck.

I hate to tell you this Pendragon, but jonathan doesn't stand a chance as long as he's in with the honkeys. They are TOO weak. Only a quiet female stands a chance of making it deep in the game off that team. THough adam might be in a 'comfortable' position, unless candice is setting him up. I'd keep my eye on her, she is, after all, a carolina girl.

Oh, and Brad's going to try and hook up with Yul.

And I strongly advise Yul to go through with it. Because you know what they say, 'hell hath no fury like a gay asian boy scorned.' And you saw how Brad had the 'bad wind,' Yul, Yul, are you listening to me? You're going to have to sleep with Brad. Or prepare to face the bad wind.

Anyway, Penzo, I think you should make Survivor required watching for the blog, it would make Friday's here pretty jammin'. The first episode is on if anyone needs to catch up.

penelope said...

I thought watching Survivor WAS a requirement for reading the blog? Dammit! All this time I have been letting readers just skate on by.

Excellent analysis, and I also agree that Jonathan won't be around long. Particularly with being sent to exile so early on. Sucks to be him.

mendacious said...

i'm NOT watching and you can't make me! so there- meeeeeeh : |P...

Daniel Bruckner said...

you WILL watch.

penelope said...

yes, you will.