tonight i'm going to the bowl again to see carmina burana. it kicks ass. i highly recommend it. and everytime i hear it i want to be a part of my own action/adventure movie, which narrowly escapes death or the nazification of germany- whichever.
done deals:
- calculated current status of debt: outlook more positive than before- not unlike my new weight-loss goals: you have to pay it down, not maintain it. reaction: surprisingly optomistic.
- wearing new hat-
awesome. question: is large too large?
- summer (saddened somewhat at the loss of time) but holding out hope for fall.
- eaten a small bowl of peanuts w/ mn'ms.
- chewed 2 sticks of gum
- 1 piece of string cheese
- 1 bottle of water 1Q
- walked 1.65 miles
- made 3 phone calls
- watched 2 tapes of footage- which by the way reality?! bah. i like that in reality they do pick-ups for tags they missed- like beginnings and endings- characters arriving/departing. they script openers and closers too sometimes. those on the fly quotable quotes... just a step away from having it all written down. uh can you do that entrance again? we didn't get it. can you hand him the keys again? we didn't get it... let's dub over this line with a different one. does anyone have footage of him saying....? we can just substitute this scene for that- this character for that one. you have no idea. conclusions: slightly irritated, bemused, apathetic.
- 6 hours of work (check and check)
- pay day, thursday.
peace out- and till next time.
I sometimes feel like my life is a tad too edited -- a la "Reality" -- if only in the retelling. Which is sort of a problem, if one is into writing about their life. I can't do a do-over, but I can edit so's things appear in a certain light. This is, naturally, problematic, and brings up the whole question of subjective impressions/interpretation ... but I won't monopolize your comments space by going into that here.
you'd of course be assuming that other people comment. but a totally valid point. do you go for balanced perspective or all out one way- i certainly question that in talking about my dad- if i were to go full throttle he would appear akin to something from the 7th layer of hell but as it is i have a certain amount of pity. and having mercy for yourself is certainly okay- and a little humor too. that's my favorite kind of reading.
Love the hat. Hats aren't appreciated enough. In fact, Mendacious, please attempt to single-handedly bring back the age of the hat. Then you could add that to your list!
Hats will never come back, they are a threat to our national security, to the people, to freedom. Do you know what you can hide underneath a hat? All sorts of things, but mostly dirty bombs. We must protect freedom.
and this message is for Penzo Ferrari,
what did I tell you about those Gooks? They're too strong.
oh, and call this number
I remember when I used to work
and what about that cracker chick letting the chickens get away? karma's a bizzle.
-penzo ferrari
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