More on the Jan/Feb suckitude, and How I Resolve to do Better:
1. Forgot how to enjoy K.Lo. I mean, K.Lo always amuses and entertains, one way or another, on a daily basis. But with sleep issues and the Terrible Twos, and whatnot, I found myself way more annoyed than I liked or needed to be, and on a regular basis. Which made me feel even more unhinged, which she (of course) responded poorly to... vicious cycle. It got the better of me.
2. Didn't harass mendacious enough re: that first chapter-episode of our book, and handing it in to me so I can see what it looks like and do one of my own. I'm still tapping my foot, m, waiting, waiting, waiting! Or are you really too busy writing about fuzzy bunnies.
3. Became too unglued at certain mishaps, inconveniences, temporary setbacks, etc, such as having the kitchen redone. Like why I got so twitchy about a little dust, when hello, I can clean it up eventually and in the meantime I have brand new CABINETS.
4. Denied the general suckiness of February as a month. It's cold, dark, and gloomy, literally and figuratively, and yet I tried to pretend it was all sunshine and roses. Should maybe embrace its inherent crapholeness, next time.
5. Spent too much time trying to hook up wireless printer to the network, should just be happy with the thing WIRED and leave well enough alone. How many hours of my life did I lose with this misadventure? Hell.
6. Really did poorly with the Netflix fare, once again. MUST watch more of my own movies/shows. Must make the time.
7. Worried, once again, too much about what I'm Supposed to Be Doing as opposed to what I Feel Comfortable Doing. I don't even know where the Supposed to Be Doing voice is coming from? I'm clearly making it up in my own head, and it's a snotty little twit who speaks, tells me how I'm doing everything wrong, allocating my time improperly, constantly unproductive, not living up to some lofty expectation of Good Mother or Good Wife, when really I just need to be Good Penelope.
Will amend these matters promptly, report back with results.
Ugh. I hate the What I'm Supposed to Be Doing voice. It's just evil and mean.
Totally evil and mean. And it never seems to really go away, does it, it's just quieter at some points in your life, and louder in others.
And no matter which path you take, there's always the other one to consider. Or how to make the one you took better.
February...I'm considering having it removed from the next calendar year. Is there a committee to whom I can make my appeal?
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