Monday, March 10, 2008

Off the Map, by M

I was feeling pretty decadent with my 11am writers group meetings. We'd only had one but we're both so aware of our rampent procrastination that we designed procrastination days. Normal people might call those 'scheduled days on which they write,' but we prefer to call them days that we can no longer avoid writing and so must write so that we can turn it in and get commentary and drink lattes. (Mondays) It's working out magically. I wrote 3 pages and denied myself the watching of the Decalogue on Netflix and sewing a skirt. Tricia thinks that in 2 years we might actually have something. She said, well that's sort of sad, but... I said, well if it works. It works. And just the idea of having something in 2 years sounded perfectly magical to me. And that goes for the blog book too. As long as I'm moving forward and not just thinking about moving forward. Because stupid things like my 32nd birthday and the time change are coming and have past me by and I have other things to procrastinate about. So best get it out of the way now.


Daniel Bruckner said...

I was wondering when we were going to hear about this crap.

Kurt said...

I must do one of the blog books someday too.

mendacious said...

easy there old man bruckner. i mean you didn't even say anything about the zoo footage! surely there must be something. i mean so now that you've heard about it ... and...

penelope said...

hurrah for writers' group! who will be your third member?

bruckner, perhaps?


Daniel Bruckner said...

hmmmmmmmm, how did this comment end up here???? I could have sworn I was commenting on your job post. Weird....

I guess I will copy and past to the appropriate post.