Wednesday, March 26, 2008

things are going to be messy for awhile.

I have the biggest trouble accepting this fact. Things are just going to be messy for awhile. The floors, the cabinets, the drawers. The closets. My clothes, the kids. I mean, we're not slobs by any stretch. There's the prevailing dog-hair issue, but I've come to terms with that one more or less. And I'm having the big yard sale in a week and a half, so a lot of the excess will be cleared out then. But the nitty-gritty organization? Having all my pictures ordered and in albums, clearing out every article of clothing that we're not wearing anymore because it doesn't fit or is too ratty or whatever. Making sure there's no furry M&Ms under the couch. Or that I haven't stuck my foot in my mouth. Can't worry about it (too much). Having everything all situated and organized and each thing in its place? Things like that aren't goingto happen for awhile. And regimented exercise, that's going by the wayside, too.

It's a huge pet peeve of mine when people say they're too busy, too busy, because you know, you have time for the people and things you want to make time. I'm going to say it, though, about the nitty-gritty level of organization, the control and order, and the exercise: I'm too busy! We've got stuff going on here. Two little persons with their demands and quirks and personalities. Needs. Not to mention two adults who need downtime and sanity and fun and things like that. So in the back of mind, while it does drive me a little insane that I can't address what I would noarmally address, if I didn't have the two little persons around? I've just got to let it go. Let the dust pile up.


Anonymous said...

Furry candy under the couch...hee. It could always be neater, cleaner, more organized, but you've gotta live your life too. (At least that's how I explain some of my piles.)

Anonymous said...

People have often asked me how I find time for projects and the garden and reading and stuff. It is simple. Do those things first, let the rest fall in where it may.

ashley said...

Just think, you'll never leave this life saying, "I wish I'd spent more time digging M&Ms out from under the couch." In this case, I think you have to take a cosmic approach, a grand-scheme-of-things-view, and say, "'s not that important."

And at the same time, I recognized how teeth-grindingly annoying the dog hair is for you.