these trees are frickin huge! and a happy batch of them are only about 3hours away from LA. my post turkey adventure took me to A TRAIL OF 100 GIANTS... in the southern edge of the seqouias, north of bakersfield and the kern river. i was so focused on getting to the trees i forgot to stop for lunch. I am a bad driver for this oversight though the mountain roads are a bit stomach turning. the crisp smells of mountain air, pine and cedar... make me completely happy. i am earthbound by nature anyway... a taurus with a a taurus rising. look out! so any contact with the earth and nature is a positive one. i'm sorry we didn't stay longer, but i will totally be coming back and camping next time so as to further a constant more immediate contact. i feel like i hallucinated the entire event. these trees can't really be for real! can they?! it is simply AMAZING! how.soul.filling.itallis. this trip wasn't even on my list! imagine. you just stand there and you think, wow... i don't know what to say. they're so ginormous i can't comprehend it.

WOW. I had always heard of these giant trees, but was always secretly like, "they can't be THAT big." Thanks for the photographic proof!
And those aren't even the ones you drive through.
Ahhhh, trees.
and some of them are hollowish inside because 2 or more are growing together into an even bigger tree and so you can go INSIDE them. sigh. that was the best part for me... inside a 1000 year old tree!
I want to go too!!!
cabbage patches, clearly not where babies come from: Check out the roots with all the kids that sprouted there...
Absolutely FANTASTIC photography! I love the one with the shadow of the small tree...just beautiful and ethereal. It does all seem very did you get there? Through the rabbit hole?
There's something about that one with the three trees merging at the bottom. I don't know what it is, but it's one of my favorite pics from the trip.
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