Thursday, November 8, 2007


  • i'm not effected by the writers strike unless i don't get to see a complete season of **the office, that or my company runs out of movies to talk about. but that won't happen unless the strike passes 6months or more. i have several friends rethinking their current occupations... but for once i am just glad that week by week i receive a paycheck and that various bills are infact diminishing and not growing and i'm glad i'm not in a union. for once. even if this job only lasts till decemeber and they don't pick up my show for a 2nd season. at least for now despite my pentupness i am not in a monetary desert. having $44.68 left in my checking account doesn't even PHASE me bcs tomorrow another check rains in.
  • though my french grade may only be a c- or if i'm lucky a b- i know that i'm glad i'm learning it. and it's hard to be the type of person that learns by ear. no manner of studying is going to help me understand why it's de, opposed to un, opposed to le... unless i can hear why it sounds better and when it sounds right.
  • also i've been in a bad mood for about the last 8 days but it shows signs of clearing, even if i am still loveless, the morning fog makes me smile. the only other curious fact is that i went to bed with my car doubleparked and the hazards flashing bcs there wasn't any parking... i woke up to an email telling me i was silly and that the unthanked angel had moved it for me.
  • i can't seem to throw an actual post up about anything. it's my aversion to either telling you the truth or finding something to talk about. the fact that i am completely disconcerted by sincere people may be a post you have to look forward to. otherwise you might just be getting more about : today. which studies show is slightly alienating and abstract but i may just do something with that anyway.
**AW NERTZ! We only have 2 more NEW episodes of the office to look forward to. It's awesome that steve carrell refused to cross the wri-pro picket line bcs the DGA and SAG both have contracts coming up- it's in his and their best interest but STILL. suckage.


Anonymous said...

Aw the strike. My guess of the day ends up figuring out how long I have a job. December? Mid-January? How indispensable are my organizing skills?

So glad your car didn't get towed :)

penelope said...

i'm in denial about this strike thingy and how it might totally fuck with my world. they will resolve it before i really start to panic. they just will.

wtf the fuck is that p.s. about, two eps of the office left???!!! m, are you trying to kill me.

and why are throwing up posts. sounds messy. email me for pete's sake.

Cue said...

"i woke up to an email telling me i was silly and that the unthanked angel had moved it for me."

I'd like the unthanked angel to do things for me in my sleep, too.

Danica said...

This foggy day is like a piece of black licorice.

Kurt said...

Are you loveless or unloved?

mendacious said...

good question kurt. i think i'm projecting loveless to be a state of being as in without- where as unloved would be generally untrue but specifically apt.