I ordered everything yesterday, and there wasn't anything I usually buy in the store that I couldn't find online. I could even indicate for my white American cheese that I would like it "sliced thin" by the deli. (It's a texture thing, shut up about it.) For $5.95, which this time was covered by my accumulated tab of 5000 Greenpoints, I drove up this morning, pushed a little button to let them know I was there, and minutes later a super-nice guy with a name like Dewey or Doozer or something wheeled out a cart with all of my purchases, nicely bagged in paper. I don't know why I'm always afraid to ask for paper--actually, I do know. I used to work at Harris Teeter, and saw how huffy the baggers would get with customers asking for bags they would have bend down to get, and then fluff open with their arm. I mean, honestly. It's a lot to ask. Anyway, I like the paper bags. What the hell do kids use to cover their schoolbooks these days without them?
Back to the shopping: literally (or do I mean figuratively? shout-out to last night's fantastic ep of How I Met Your Mother, yowza!), it was a breeze. It was easy and not at all awkward and I would totally do it again. Because I am just not brave enough to try the grocery store, or any other store for that matter, with a newborn and a 21-month-old. Not brave enough, and not stupid enough.
My favorite part of the morning, however, was after coming home and unloading everything, I looked through the bag of "materials" Dewey/Doozer gave me, and found this brochure:
Which means, either I am a total cliche, or totally justified. Either way, it kind of makes me laugh.
i've always wanted to be on the cover of a brochure. fantastic post. remember how in chicago i was always ordering online? you can see how amazing it is now i hope!
also LOVE paper bags. love them. i may have to post about my recent shopping experience.
i did the online ordering thing in chi, too! it was fantastic, and yet totally different. not as much product selection, and pricey, and a tad awkward, having them be buzzed up in the dorm with their ginormous wheely-flat, and the question of whether or not to tip. did beat subway-ing it with grocery bags howevever.
totally you need to blog about PAPER BAGS, too.
I don't know, I think you're better than the brochure lady, because your baby has a face, while that one appears to be of questionable face possession.
i ordered some stuff from drugstore.com last week and it should be here any day now. i'm pondering ordering my perscriptions there as well. the pharmacists at rite aid are, shall we say, not up to dewey/doozer's standards. someday soon, we may never have to leave our computers to shop, ever again, ever. (insert ominous music or hallelujahs here.)
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