Friday, November 9, 2007

cluster f%ck

This morning's MISadventures included:
feeding the baby
changing the baby at least twice as often as "normal" (is there a normal after just 3 weeks?)
feeding the baby
cringing while feeding the baby, as K.Lo deliberately pulled on Bender the Tweakster's ears, wouldn't stop/change tactics when I told her to, and Bender growled
feeding the baby
hoping for a shower
feeding the baby
cleaning spit-up off the baby
bathing the baby
folding laundry, trying not to lose mind/temper as K.Lo pulled each clean article of clothing onto the dog-hairy floor
feeding the baby
saying Screw It, I am taking a shower, and I am DONE FEEDING THE BABY.
changing K.Lo's clothes and cleaning up ginormous puddle of water around dog bowl, where K.Lo has dipped a dish towel (she knows this is bad, very bad)

Presently, N.Lo is still sleeping in spite of undeniable starvation. K.Lo has randomly fallen asleep on the living room floor about half an hour before naptime. The dogs aren't staring at me, for once. I'm kind of afraid to breathe, it might destroy this moment of possible peace.

N.Lo has been "cluster feeding" over the past few days, which just means he's growing through a growth spurt and has to eat and eat and eat until mommy wants to cry. I've read it's to increase milk supply. I believe it's really nature's way of simultaneously testing your endurance with the newborn, and mocking you out for having a kid in the first place. It makes you doubt everything--that your kid has a pleasant temperament, that he likes to sleep, that you can actually handle this new life (yours and his). It makes you think irrational thoughts, like things will never ever feel right or normal ever again, that your house will forever be a sticky, dirty, hairy, dusty, unorganized mess, that your daughter may never step out of the house with clean clothes or her hair combed ever again. You'll never lose the baby weight, or look good in an outfit, or leave the house with your hair combed ever again. You think about just throwing in the dog-water-soaked towel and saying That's It, I am Done. See you all later.

I remember (vaguely) from K.Lo's early days that just about at the breaking point with the cluster f%ck, that's where everything suddenly changes, and you can breathe again. So, I'm just saying, dear universe, hi. It's me, penelope, and I am there. At the breaking point. Thank you and good night. See you in the better morning??


Cue said...

Aw. man... the dog water towel, dude. Perfect metaphor. Just know that I'm thinking happy, supportive, sleep-filled thoughts for you over here.

mendacious said...

this is when you need reinforcements! that or a kit that pops up and tells you how to freeze everything in stop motion.

Jessica said...

speaking of reinforcements......i know I've been here now since like April and I haven't gotten together with you, but hey, what can i say. I was buying a house and being slack. If you want (or need, from the sounds of it) a night off - you two could go for a date - i will babysit for free! Come to think of it, it's probably WAY too early to leave little N.Lo alone. Hmm. Well, when it's not.....give me a shout.

Andria said...

Oh, I know it really doesn't help you any, but it helps me so much to read that you are struggling, too! It somehow makes me feel stronger, like maybe I can make it through these crazy endless feedings. The ones that begin again as soon as they finish. Last night I caved and gave Wyatt some formula. He drained 45 mL in about a minute flat. After feeding every hour for the previous 3 hours before that. I just couldn't handle it. mentally or physically. Then, we had 4 hours of sleep and started over again fresh. I have more thoughts, but I'll email you instead. .

ashley said...

I hope it doesn't make you feel worse when I say this sounds absolutely miserable. No shower...ack. I couldn't feel human.

I'm wishing you relief soooooon.

erin j said...

BUT YOU LOOK GREAT!!!! baby weight shmababy weight. whatever...
you can always call... i never brush my hair and you've seen my kiddo...even when i do brush it it doesn't look brushed. what is a clean clothes???? seems like i remember something like that from a long time ago...
soon they'll go away to school and we'll wonder what to do with ourselves...whatever you don at that point...DONOTHAVEANOTHERBABY!!!! sleep...that's what we'll do...sleep...