It's me, Penelope. As you know, I have been driving for 12 years now, and--I no longer need to knock on wood, but--I hadn't until today ever been pulled over.
Never been pulled over, much less ticketed. That's not to say that I've never sped, or sort-of-accidentally run a red light, or done something else worthy of the law's attention. However, for the most part I am
quite careful. I set my cruise control for exactly 6 miles over the speed limit on road trips. I wait approximately 4 seconds after the green light now before proceeding. And most importantly (I feel), I
always keep up with the flow of traffic. So, even if I am going over the speed limit, such as on I-40 in the RDU area, all the yahoos around me are going 80 in a 65, too. Basically, I try at all costs when driving to avoid a) creating a threat to the driving community at large and b) getting a ticket. Because, as you also know, God, I don't have a lot of money. I mean, I'm not destitute, but I don't have money to burn on useless crap like
traffic tickets and
raised insurance rates. I would rather spend my money at Target, on things like baby food, and hair products, and the occasional CD, or a box of wine.

Anyway. You also know that throughout much of my driving career, I have owned a vehicle. I am currently on my second, a lovely Honda by the name of Rufus. Rufus has, hanging by a string on his rearview mirror, a Catholic medal, similar to--but notably not the same as--the one pictured. The medal's purpose is to protect the car and the car's driver (me, Penelope) in travel. And so far, despite any other of my track records regarding religion, I have never once doubted the medal's power. This is not to say that stupid errors in judgment have not occurred under its watch, such as the Western Boulevard Ice Incident of 1999. But, to the medal's credit--though the tow job was especially involved and cost a cool $80, there wasn't a bit of damage to the car, or to me, or to my passenger. I say with conviction that the medal has kept me and my car(s) from both damage and notice over the years.
So today, when I conversed with a friend about the medal, and we pondered which saint exactly was pictured on it? (And I'm still not sure--St. Christopher is the patron saint of travel, but I don't believe it's him.) I really, truly wasn't sure, and I'm still not, why the medal says "The Matrix." But you have to believe that I was being
silly, not at all rude or mocking, when I suggested that it was really Keanu Reeves pictured on the medal. Or Laurence Fishburne. I was totally, 100% just using my sense of humor, which I thought was
one of the gifts? Perhaps it was in poor taste, and if so, I take it back. So not funny. The medal
does work,
has worked, and not because it has an attractive star from a badass movie on it.

After 12 clean years of driving, I can only imagine that getting pulled over today while
in the slow lane,
the last in a line of cars,
keeping up with the flow of traffic and
approaching a red light was, according to the laws of chance, bound (and overdue) to happen. I am still sort of speechless over the whole thing; in a moment when I was moseying along and minding my own business, the last thing I expected was to get pulled over and ticketed for 15 over in a school zone. I honestly feel like I just pulled a crap card in a board game, that's life, and I just have to pay the fines. But I just want to make sure, from now on, that we're straight: medal jokes=not cool=something Penelope won't do ever again. In the meantime, I have
full faith that the medal will continue to protect as usual.
Yours sincerely,
poor pen. 15 over in a school zone? sounds like errant traffic personage was just trying to fill a quota. that or your evil and trying to kill innocent children.
W-ton cops are so mean! I am a seasoned professional at getting pulled over - just ask my insurance provider. I am so sorry. The feeling you get when you're pulled over is so horried. I actually felt a little sick reading your post.
I am now so terrified of cops that if I were being held at gunpoint and kidnapped, I would probably avoid a cop for fear he'd pull me over.
Was the cop disguised as a crossing guard, or perhaps a construction worker? Wilmington cops are famous for getting into elaborate disguises so they can pull over unsuspecting motorists, and therefore fill their quota.
Three words:
Prayer for judgment.
Got me out of my ticket before Christmas last year. Just go get yourself in on the docket when you can, sit for about 30 minutes and ask the DA for one. You'll pay court costs, but no points on yr license.
Won't somebody think of the children?!
children. we've got to save the children!children!
Prayer for judgment, baby.
Perhaps this is rude and judgmental of me, but it seems as though W-ton cops have like, a million other things they SHOULD be doing, rather than targeting the 6 people in town who are actually going more than 10 miles beLOW the speed limit. Like, I don't know--doing something about the embarassing number of gas station and bank robberies. Who even does that anymore in the age of security cameras?
Remember when Allan Gurganus was pulled over in Wrightsville Beach after the Tiny Dancer Cedars party? I think they just have a thing against writers...
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