Sunday, October 22, 2006

Dear Cookie Monster,

Along with cookies (and now veggies, according to the word on the streets), do you also devour computer cookies? Or do you at least know why such a fantastic word, with the tastiest of connotations, is used in the computer world to describe something really annoying? I just never got cookies. I know the definition, in theory, but the bottom line with computer cookies is, I really don't care what they are. I can't eat them, I know it's a good thing for your firewall to block the bad ones, and I also know that if you block all cookies, your Internet experience is boring, if not pointless and stupid.

Which leads me to my main point. I'm using a different computer these days (long story), and my cookie settings are not what they were on the other machine. COOKIES, or rather the lack thereof? are what's really preventing me from watching Ugly Betty, from seeing all the little icons on the Barnes & Noble website, from viewing my watchlist at, AND most recently and irritatingly, from seeing my queue on Netflix. This, all of this, is not acceptable.

So, I don't know--if you have to eat them, or if you could send me some? Whatever will fix the problem with the cookies, because it's driving me batty.

Me love you,


Somebody's Mom said...

Security, it's a love hate thing.

It's good weather for baking.
chocolate chip with walnuts please.

Anonymous said...

Firefox + cookie culler extension = one possible solution?

Anonymous said...

Stupid cookies ruin everything, from good times to waistlines. I think it's cookies that are preventing me from playing Poppit online for hours at a time. But really, that's probably for the best, as I get a little gamey when I slip into Poppit mode...