Monday, July 12, 2010

Oh My Pen,

This part of me has atrophed. I am buckling in hour 6. Food wasn't adequate, snacks are gone, that should get me through to the end, but none of it is staving off that slumped over my desk, blurry eyed feeling. The very hum and drone of the a/c is working against me. The soft glow of artful lighting, and no real access to the outside is driving me to hibernate. I'm sure I go through this everytime. A long time ago. In a land faraway kind of everytime. Nothing to do as settled in as I wait for badges and signatures and tapes to be dubbed. I cleaned my desk with soap and sponge in the first 30minutes. Went downstairs to get my cup out of my car as they don't supply them... ah memories. My lips are chapped, and no chapstick in the bag. It's like having gone to cenam without a spanish language dictionary. Which i did. But you think i would've learned by now. I taped my foot in the first hour. Having already made several blocks walks and up and down elevators- sad little heel. And still i haven't figured out when to fit in yoga. I sort of doubt my level of consciousness come 6pm. But maybe? Maybe by wednesday. I wonder also about my work hours.

But here I go.
i'm going to go get water.
try not to think of too much else.
water water water


pen said...

i almost texted you this morning to remind you about work, day 1. :)

poor sad little heel. tomorrow: bring food. as it is not (really) supplied.

mendacious said...

i may or may not have eaten a bag (2) of cheetos i found in the cabinet of my desk. all i know for certain was they were fine to eat until december, so i'm fine (year nonspecified).

i am slightly out of my slump. must bring vat of green tea, mug, chapstick, calendar, list of websites to surf, lotion and i'm sure some other stuff i forgot.

~sarah said...

yay! work! and what is the update on jury duty? after thursday, which is pay day, we must have lunch now that you're in the neighborhood. or we could have brown bag lunch anytime. : )

also, my word verification is "nonated." i'm not entirely sure, but i feel that somehow aptly describes your current state. you are totally nonated right now. but tomorrow, with armed with chapstick and personal tasks to occupy you, you will not be nonated.