Sunday, July 18, 2010


lawnmower I don’t know what came over me today, mowing the lawn for the first time ever. I’ll admit, it was kind of fun. Granted, there were no hills and it’s a self-propelled mower, but still. I felt accomplished. So much better than after ironing, where I apparently iron wrinkles into articles of clothing and press collars unevenly. Whatevs. My talents simply lie in other areas.

Fre@ks & Geeks is showing on IFC and I’m recording whatever episodes I can find. It’s finally time to watch. James Fr@nco, ahhh! And my old neighbor, Busy P.

Last night I drank a full bottle of wine at a sleepover, which I feel might have been excessive, but once I was within reach of finishing, there was no point in not. Since I was all smart and spaced the drinks over several hours, I was merely dehydrated and slightly headachy. We watched Shag. I’m so glad sleepovers don’t have to end when you’re grownup.

I’m up to page 189, btw. And I liked these lines in “Preaching”:

…I remain vulnerable to despair, which, for me, is the opposite of faith. For many of my friends, the opposite of faith seems to be intellectual doubt, which has ceased to be a major obstacle for me. Perhaps this is mental laxity on my part; I prefer to think of it it as the grace of a poetic sensibility.

J.Lo and I are approaching one of those mini-seasons of life that contain a lot of ifs and possibilities, one of which is everything staying exactly the same. But maybe it won’t. I get panicky (feel despair) at some of the possible scenarios, and doubtful. I keep coming back to the idea of confident faith and wish I could just om out and let it all unfold the way it’s supposed to, the way it obviously will.

Um, also – I went to the gym like 5 days last week. I know.  Something’s clearly wrong with me.

Have you considered bringing ice with you to work, as well? Or is that overkill.




somebody's mom said...

Praying for you now, for the wisdom to take any necessary action and for peace of mind.

pen said...

Thank you. :)

mendacious said...

um this totally looks photoshoped. did this really happen? its pretty awesome.

i remember harassing you about F&G long ago. SO SO good.

almost anonymous said...

You must be making up for me, since I only worked out twice.

Awesome lawn mowing! :) I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels iron-incompetent.