Sunday, December 4, 2005

Veruca Salt

As I blog I'm watching the '71 version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which really makes me long for the 70's swedish version of Pippi Longstocking. Sigh. We'll see how much blogging I manage to do with this playing in front of me. Since my dvd player is broken I'm playing it off the computer. MMM. i love technology. of course you can't tell that just now i took a good 5 minute break. plucked a couple chin hairs- which are horrible. I once got into an argument with a guy about hair- and while he was very greek and very hairy... which granted was too hairy, he was very handsome- i proceeded to explain to him that hair on men is much more acceptable. i mean if you examine my eyebrows you can just imagine the trouble i have shaving my legs- and now or rather for a long while chin hair. it's horrid. i really probably would have that laser surgery, then my compulsive chin plucking energy would be able to go somewhere else. somewhere not involving contemplating folic roots and the sturdiness of my horrid, horrid chin hair. but i digress on the basis of possible oversharing. although you must admit. it is fascinating.

the other day the cat jumped on my lap and i just wondered how is it that cats exist. granted much more fascinating than how and why is it we have hair and how when i'm 80, unmarried and slightly senile, the stereotype that i will become if I don't quelch my body's instinct, is rather unspeakable.

my favorite words this week are: bogus which has been inuse, believe it or not, since the 1800's! and referred to a coin counterfiting machine. hence, that is bogus and the other is sincere- i do believe this version of WW: CCF is more "sincere" and has more "heart"... I had the same thoughts about Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride. But onward...

"stop. don't."

who me?


mendacious said...

pedophilic! no way! gene wilder is my hero.

Anonymous said...

The new CATCF sent me back to watch the '71 version. It's perfection!