Monday, December 19, 2005

It's Kind of Like Julie Cooper

Willie Nelson, the red office fish (Search's replacement), has experienced what Best Week Ever would call a definite "downgrade." On Friday, during his weekly cleaning, the mansion-like glass vase complete with red glass stones and a flourishing peace lily, broke.

***Please note that penelope was not in any way connected with or involved in this incident.***

Willie Nelson pulled through the trauma, of course, as he is a young, healthy fish, but the only container we could come up with as a temporary solution, was this sort-of clear, plain plastic jug. The peace lily won't fit, and there really doesn't seem much point to the rocks until we get a new container.

Except that Willie Nelson is depressed. He's listless, bored. People keep asking if he's dead. He basically went from Cribs to the trailer park, in one tragic motion. Poor Willie Nelson. I hope he makes it till tomorrow.


Kim said...

Dude, that is one ghetto jug! What is the original purpose of that thing? Does it involve copious amounts of urine?

penelope said...

Well...unfortunately, that is entirely possible, as we do offer drug testing services.

Kidding, kidding. The testing is done off-site.

Also, I'm happy to report that Willie Nelson has been relocated to a margarita pitcher. Fiesta!