Thursday, December 15, 2005


I've been hovering on the verge of a deadly virus. I can feel it right behind my eyes and the desire for copious amounts of sleep increases day by day. Somehow though I've been scarcely managing it. It's been about 4 days of this, precipice-like existence. And i'm avoiding anything like exercising or having fun or stress or work- that might teeter me over the edge...

In addition I have quit my director- it pains me to say it. So i prefer to believe I will be returning to him anyday. Mainly it's because all our productions wrapped at once and now we need new projects and I'm in desperate need of cash. So as Paris says, My life coach believes our life paths haven't finished yet. So... more stories on him later- and just when i'd planned to start a series on Herr Director.

I've entered thusly into a new work space at Mandalay Entertainment. I'm located in the "hatchery" as an APOC... ooo. for 2 wks. for sure. at which time i may relenquish my title or push to continue on. I'm in a quandary about what to do about this. So I conclude that I must not think about it. To continue however would mean that I would get to have a vacation... and i don't have to worry about being unemployed in January. But currently I have to mind-numbingly look up visas for foreign countries and venders and flights and travel agents and call and call and call. There is a balance yes btw letting people do their job and demanding an answer? I'm unsure which way to strike.

Already the curious enterprises of "work" like places gives me slight chills but they have copious? amts of homemade banana bread, diet coke, bottled water and tea, so it can't be that bad right?

- 2 anecdotes:
Older Foreign Gentleman on Elevator says, " You're beautiful. Very kind and nice. You are married. Why not yet? What is the matter? Ah, such a gorgeous woman. I will hope that you find someone. Best wishes to you."

Wah? Well that was nice. And no, I can't stop grinning.

2nd: Quiet "exec asst" who sits behind me. Currently wishing to escape into the UC Irvine MFA Poetry program- with a GPA of 2.78. Who is he kidding? UC Irvine- well, I think they're hard asses. So... good luck with that. His boss is a producer of somekind- and has that bitchy queen vibe... re: overheard phone call: "I said, don't listen- when I tell you not to listen, don't listen." Door Slams. Silence. His poor poetic soul being quashed slowly by degrees. Shudder.


Kurt said...

Was that a Liza Weil reference?

Daniel Bruckner said...

How long was that elevator ride?

mendacious said...

johann, wilkommen. It's been too long.

and yes, liza weil is very close to being a hero of mine. if they're going to go thru the trouble though of writing a part for her the least they could do is write more lines for her.