Thursday, December 8, 2005


Everyonceandawhile I become fixated on lineage. I'm not a daughter of the revolution, unfortunately, but we do go back to the 1800's and probably a bit further back then that in the good ole US of A. And curiously enough, multiple members of bothsides of my families are just as obsessed or more so with history than i am.
how very lucky am i. that i have 2 or 3 literal books of family history. And to know minu'te percentages of your ethnic make-up has got to be a bit strange, when people say mutt, i say yes, but i know what sort of mutt i am. and i'm a good mutt with a penchant for landowners and farming. I have a couple %'s to research still but currently I'm: 25% Latvian, 25% German, 12.5% Danish, 12.5% Basque, 6.25% Slavic?, 6.25% Bohemian, and then a TBD 12.5% on my dad's side of the family... which could just be more basque and possibly french, but that would require me looking for the history book. nice. Anyway this all came up, as my non-specified friends or NSF's, have to hear way too much about, over the last 2 years-i have been assembling uber-albums of my grandmother's photographs. 3. One for me/my mom, my brother, and my aunt. I'm on #2 and in the early '80's. We're talking acid-free black cardstock, gluesticks and fancy photo corners- complete with a yet to be determined cover. This is not scrapbooking- this is serious historical documentation. and when i think of reducing my 12 or so albums to such a project i wonder how brutal with the cuts i would have to be. but regardless it's been fun to learn about so and so coming over when they were 19 and falling in love with x and then re-marrying, y. or disappearing after the civilwar, and moving here and there and getting quelched in the depression, or how my one grand uncle came home with lots of USN (navy) silverware from the boat, which we may or may not have... along with the costume jewerly and now 100 year old photographs. i am exceedingly lucky. and it makes me remember how very cool history as a story can be. well, the death and dismemberment aside-- but that's life right?


T. said...

I'm 25% swiss, 12.5% German, 12.5% Cigarettes, 25% frustrated, 12.5% loving and kind, and 12.5% Kryptonian

Anonymous said...

I am some sort of Euro-mix with a lot of German. I think a bunch of Dutch or something too. It used to be a game to play with my mom: "Is there French? English? Swedish? German? Spanish? Scottish?" And so on. I'm sure she got annoyed.

I know we have some pictures of my grandparents as kids, but I don't think there are many farther back than that. A great-something making wooden shoes. (Yeah, that would be the Dutch part.)