Thursday, December 22, 2005

Damn Cold

as promised...

i hope there were some wonderful tids- of information in there.

i have threatened to go home early twice- to which the wanker replied "try to make it thru to the end of the day"- doubt it. highly highly doubt it. unfortunately the office mentality is to totally check out this week and the next, which makes me feel that i shouldn't be here at all. as if i've been working here for more than 6 days. whose the wanker now.


Anonymous said...

i can see the other side of my cold. i'm on the mend. my energy has returned. i am leaning towards giving credit to the oregano. but then again, i didn't start using it until the 4th day of the cold, so maybe i would be on the mend by now anyway... oh, and you must find tactful, unfirable ways of quelching this behavior. do not accept or encourage it. it will only make him a bigger ass. (i learned this at paramount. : )

ps - i just want to point out that the "word" i have to type into the "word verification" box in order to post a comment is, in fact, NOT a word, but a random jumble of letters. it should be called the "random letter verification" box.

Somebody's Mom said...

Dear child,
How confused I was, that it was you talking about cold, because I immediately thought about the weather and expected it to be a post from someone living in snow country. Double meanings are such fun, although we all know how easy it is for you to confuse me. Anyway Dr. Mom thinks you should drink some ginger tea and put your head under a towel over a pot of steamy water infused with euc and spices.

Somebody's Mom said...

Also, I am thrilled any day that you come home from work without having killed anyone.