Friday, May 16, 2008

discuss with me

***SPOILER ALERT: Do not read this if you haven't yet watched The Office and ANTM season finales.***

All right, so the season finale of The Office was a major, bummed out, buzz-killing disappointment. As m pointed out, the first 39 minutes were kind of fantastic, my favorite storyline in particular being Kevin as a passably "special" employee. Toby's exit was well-played, though we hope they check in with him next year in Costa Rica. His replacement offers all sorts of potential as a love interest for Michael, and for yet another personality for Michael to play off of; this chick is oddly like his mirror. I didn't really notice Andy being in the episode, and then, there he was. Stealing Jim's proposal thunder, and that's where it all went downhill. First J.Lo and I thought Jim would be fired just prior to proposing, and that would screw it up, but he brilliantly overthrew the coked-up, belligerent Ryan. They way the proposal botch did go down, however, was maybe the worst way they could have popped that happy bubble. Jim had it all set up, contributing the fireworks and such to Toby's going-away party, settling on an at-work setting for the proposal because work is where Jim and Pam have had all their "firsts." But then Andy steps up out of nowhere, taking advantage of the same perfect moment and proposing to Angela, who says yes in a sort of disgruntled way, and then is spied later "making up" with Dwight. I appreciate the revival of their storyline, think it also has lots of potential. But the Michael Scott storyline totally bummed me out as well, because really? Jan is pregnant, but by a sperm bank donor? I mean it was believable and yet almost over-the-line mean. Because as much of a tool as Michael can be, he seems like he'd actually make a pretty good father... As odd as that sounds. And it was just sort of horrible to see him crawling back to Serenity by Jan and supporting her baby treachery, simply because it's the closest he's going to get to the real thing. I kind of cannot stand Jan.

I'm sorely disappointed that Jim and Pam didn't get officially engaged, but I reserve final judgment until the fifth season premiere. The writers, brilliant as they are, can save this, should save it. Must save it. Somehow they need to turn the lost moment on its head and satisfy that huge romantic buildup for viewers. The story can't all be sunshine and roses, even in a comedy, but on some things, a payoff is non-negotiable. Jim and Pam's engagement is one of these instances. Turk and Carla over at Scrubs give me hope that they won't drag this out yet another season with all sorts of horrible tension between them, that they will just get married and live happily ever after, that the writers can step up and maintain an interesting storyline about the Married Jim & Pam... because frankly I can't take it if they break up, or even remain the same.

Dear Writers of The Office,
My Happy Jim & Pam Bubble has been burst. Please repair anon.
Sincerely Yours,

Moving on to ANTM, Whitney was awarded the win, making her the show's first full-figured Top Model. Fatima got the boot first, thus making Kim and I dance for joy, and so Whitney and Anya battled it out. You're going to ask me if I think Whitney was chosen because she is a plus-sized model, and my answer to that is yes. Absolutely, yes. Don't get me wrong, I like Whitney, I think she had enough talent as a model to deserve the win, I think it's cool to see a plus-sized girl in there, it's great. I wasn't even bothered as much throughout the season at her alleged fakeness, because I kind of enjoyed her valley-girlish snark and felt like she was sincerely a cool person even if she needed to work on her facade. But was she a better model than Anya? No. Not even close, really. I like Whitney enough that this finale wasn't a disappointment, per se, but I felt nearly as dumbfounded as when Danielle or "Dani" was crowned over Joanie, or when Naima was declared winner instead of Kahlen. To me it just didn't feel quite "right." I feel like the judges knew they might not ever again get a chance to crown a plus-size girl, so they seized the moment before them. Whitney did deserve to be in the Final Two over Fatima and most definitely over HTM (Hot Tranny Mess) Dominique, but to win over the stunning, born-to-model Anya? Not so much. The consolation is that Whitney will make a cool Cover Girl, and Anya will certainly have a career. She's young, and it doesn't seem like she's going to throw in the towel. Unlike Kahlen, because where the hell is she? Congrats, Whitney. Can't wait till the next cycle begins.


Cue said...

I agree with you about Whitney -- very glad she won, and so forth. But how in the WORLD is that woman considered "plus-sized"?? That is all I want to know.

mendacious said...

i feel like i've only watched 3 of the episodes of antm. but i agree with you guys. whitney is a good choice bcs of queen latifah's involvement with covergirl. it's just nice to see a diff body shape up there even who on earth would call that girl fat- they make her lose weight anyway like they did with danielle!

ah the office! may it redeem itself another day. i can't say it was more horrible than their return episode with jan/michael dinner party. that was insane. i think i felt the way you feel about this episode. but M returning to Jan- its like come on are you kidding me?! I think they should actually portray 2 people who manage to get married and have a healthy relationship despite the bumps in the road. would be a refreshing change.

Andria said...

I agree with you; do not like Jan and especially do NOT like Michael with Jan and the whole pregnancy thing is just. . odd!

And yes, I am disappointed that Andy stole Jim's thunder, it was so much more disappointing and not amusing like the other times Jim has teased Pam like he's going to propose (tying his shoes! loved it), but I feel it can be redeemed and I was actually a little relieved for Toby that he didn't have to endure that final slap in the face as he was leaving. I like that Angela and Dwight are hopefully getting back together. The new lady. . I'm not sold on her yet, again, just odd. But, I did LOVE the play on Kevin! genius! makes me wonder how I hadn't thought it myself before.

Scrubs is completely done now, right? sadness.

ANTM - again, I agree and I hate that I do, because I really felt like they were keeping Whitney around because she was a "plus-size" (which I totally agree with - NORMAL sized woman) and that upsets me, because I did really like her, thought she was beautiful, took great pictures and I didn't see the fakeness quite as harshly as she was called out on it. And was the hip-swaying really a good thing on the runway? They totally ate it up, which surprised me. I loved Anya, but by the end, I did have my doubts about her, too. But, I know she will go on and be successful, so that's good.

And, I totally LOVE Kahlen and wish she hadn't disappeared completely.

penelope said...

Scrubs is moving to ABC! Weird, exciting, and true.

Andria said...

I actually heard that of The Office, so surely, my source was confused and mixing them up?