Monday, May 19, 2008

Summer Goals, by pen

1. The Summer of Books. I want to read a lot of books, make that my standby Thing to Do When Nothing Else is Going On. Since cutting out Naptime, I've gotten a lot less reading done, as I always read while waiting for K.Lo to go to sleep. But summer is the time of lolling out in the yard, watching the children play, and so I plan to spend many an afternoon outside on a blanket or a lawn chair--okay, probably a blanket, since all of our lawn chairs are simultaneously breaking--with book in hand.

2. The Summer of Movies. I want to rent them, I want to go to the theater with J.Lo and Mel and whoever else I can rally, and watch them. It will be fab. S&TC will be the kickoff. Then maybe Indiana.

3. Watch the first season of Gossip Girl. I'll have to either find it online, or maybe I'll be lucky and the DVD will release before summer is over. I tried and then dropped this series early on last fall, but clearly I made a mistake. Must catch up.

4. The Summer of Blogs. I want to continue blogging and blogging more on each of the three, even if it seems like no one else cares. Because I care, so whatevs.

5. After the peas and cucumbers produce and then die, I want to replace them with squash and tomatoes. Probably I should start the seeds in a pot right now so I can be fully prepared with actual small plants, but that would require pushing said item to the top of the I'm Not Lazy or Otherwise Indisposed list. That would require true ambition.

6. I want to go to the beach a few times. Even though it's basically a giant pain in the ass.

7. I want to make summery things in the kitchen, like fresh salsa and strawberry rhubarb pie. Corn on the cob. Potato salad. Things like that.

8. I don't want to do any more big house projects for awhile.


mendacious said...

that is a beautiful, bordering on magical summer list. with a summer like that how could it not go down in the books as memorable and idyllic. i know not.

except for your crazy movie watching. oh, and gossip girls. for-get-ab-out-it.

erin j said...

reading? you mean something other than kids books? let me know how that goes.
you can get sqaush and tomato plants already started at lowe's or home depot... much easier than starting from seeds and then you don't even have to wait for things to die (cucumbers will produce through the summer if you love 'em enough!)
good luck with your list. i am determined to go to the beach at least once when the parents are here... sigh...

ashley said...

Sounds wonderful. And I care. About the blogs - all three of 'em. So blog onward, stalwart soldier. I'll be a-readin'.

penelope said...

Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

I bet you could read adult books to the kids and they would just enjoy the rhytmn of your voice and not be bothered at all that there weren't any pictures.

Truly, you know how to have fun.
