I barely passed my french test last night. I can only assume I have some sort of senioritis. Because nothing can induce me to focus or give a crap. It has to be correlated to the increase of blooming activity outside, and oh those sacred blue skies, and yah, my trip. I was deadset on working out last night but then suddenly as I was slumped over in my squeaky desk I said, No fucking way. I went to the Shell station, bought an extra crispy kitkat and a bag of sourcream potato chips and went thru the car wash crunching down and blaring the music. I went home and glanced at the clock, saw the digits beating down on me and thought, fuck it, I'm going to bed. 10pm. Deadgone to the world. I woke up at 8, wondered, what the fuck. Shuffled around and got ready for work. Found a new bag of apples and oranges on the counter, didn't even wonder how they got there. Just took one and kept on going. Went outside and saw my car completely wet and rinsed as if I'd forgotten to go thru the dry portion of the drivethru wash. Did I? How was that possible? When did it rain? Where the fuck am I... I proceeded to work anyway, against all the signs that pointed otherwise.
Today I feel like a sturdy 11x14 piece of paper on a small brightly colored table. There are cups of even more brightly colored paints. If I had eyes I would be shifting apprehensively. As it is a breeze lifts the left corner of the paper and then it settles back down again...
We got rain last night. Yay!
they have extra crispy kitkats!
ten hours of sleep and an extra krispy kit kat! luxurious...
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