Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Weird Facts Wednesday

Hey I remembered. I'm sure it won't last but my latest query search for the EP was to find things that weighed roughly 4000 lbs. or 2 TONS. The following things weigh can/do weigh 4000lbs: they are:


<<exploding whale video for kurt>>


penelope said...

A blue whale's heart?!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, just the heart? Wow! I wonder how it compares in size to an SUV. Is it denser, and therefore smaller? Or is a blue whale's heart the same size and weight as an average SUV?

And is the bear killing its trainer thing big news at work?

mendacious said...

ha. yes.

the bear video is totally news at work. we're not all a twitter since the guy died and there's no video of it surfacing- but we all were basically in favor of the bear and deduced arrogance on the part of the trainers. the bear probably hit the artery- and shouldn't be killed bcs we're too fragile to take a little ahem tussling with razer sharp teeth. it's yet another thing to boycott. wild animals in movies. tsk.

i think it's probably the size of a car- since whales are like 50tons? or who knows what. there's footage of some idiots on the east coast back in the 70's trying to blow up a dead whale until the carcass started raining down upon them in smelly bloody fury. gross.

Kurt said...

Please direct readers to the raining whale carcass footage.

mendacious said...

i've linked it on my blog. you can also search "exploding whale" or "blow up whale" on youtube. possibly more on the imagination than in actuality but still i canNOT imagine!

oh and it's oregon, my bad. sorry to the east coast for the slight. you only trap whales in your lobster traps. (mwahhaha.allsnarkallthetime)

Anonymous said...

That's fantastic. I just sent it to my parents to see if they remember. (My dad grew up in Oregon, though not on the coast.) And the copy? So great.

"But the blast blasted the blubber beyond all believable bounds."


Anonymous said...

Ah that's what they were talking about at work! (bear)

Love the video of the whale, it's like the darwin awards but no people died. I can't imagine what the car owner's insurance carrier had to say about his flattened car.

I bet the whale heart is smaller than the SUV because the SUV has a lot of air space inside. Please look that up for us.