Friday, April 4, 2008

News in Brief

*For the yard sale tomorrow, I'm trying some reverse-psychology tactics on the weather. I'm preparing for rain. I'm borrowing a canopy (thanks, erinhjones!), J.Lo's rigging up a tarp. In my mind's eye, I picture us all standing there, soaked and miserable. But really, I'm determined that we will pull this thing off, sell lots of stuff, and our efforts will totally be worth it.

*Library Book Sale this weekend!

*Claire deserved to go home this week on ANTM, but can we get rid of Dominique already? Chickie's got such an ego on her, and she's just... she's a hot tranny mess. I see Anya, Whitney, Stacy Ann, and Katarzyna as the final four.

*NKOTB was on the Today Show this morning, and even though they didn't sing (yet! coming up in May!), and even though I am old and they are old, and I can plainly see how totally ridiculous it was to worship them as a sixth and seventh grader, I still got a little chill. Like all time and age and reason filters just dropped away. I heart them.

*I didn't realize until Wednesday that The Office isn't new until NEXT week. Man. Also, I'm bummed because once again, the DVR and its limited recording abilities strike, and right now we are unable to keep up with Miss Guided. I hope they move the time slot. I heart Judy Greer.

*I cannot wait until next week's Survivor, seeing Eliza wave her little stick arms about the fake Immunity Idol. She's so smart. Annoying, but at this point in an almost endearing way.

*Lesson learned this week: One of my bad habits or character flaws is that I can't just let lost causes remain lost? I have to try to find a solution, work it out, because in my head the solution is just so obvious. Note to self: Don't do that. In the meantime, I feel pretty stupid for even trying to facilitate these hopeless situations. I'll be in the corner, licking my wounds.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I totally agree about Claire, but Dominique is growing on me. Whitney, on the other hand, I am ready to see go.

I'm still kind of into Lauren. Your thoughts on this?

Also, please plan a lengthy e-mail conversation about the return of The Office on Thursday. I've already got your address on speed-send.