Wednesday, April 21, 2010

ooo m,

I can feel The Crazy creeping up on me. I feel compelled to wear gray shirts and jeans, like I just want to blend in. With grungy colors. And hugs from children sometimes incite claustrophobia. Not always, just sometimes. And I want to be a hermit, not go anywhere, even yoga. No.socialization. I’m allergic.

And I get annoyed by small, picky things, like Idol running over (gah – Idol) and truncating my recording of Glee, so that I (apparently) missed Like a Prayer or somesuch song at the end. Bastard Time Warner Cable. I won’t be sad to see you go.

Also, we missed an appointment this morning (chiro) that J.Lo and I went back and forth on rescheduling, for three days. No, you call. I don’t want to call, you call. You better call, because I’m not going to call! Well, no one called, so we ended up looking scatter-brained and rude. (And yet, part of me doesn’t care? Because of The Crazy. The Crazy shrugs off rude, pretends it never happened.)

I want my Red Tent, dammit. I mean, so we have to right to vote and indoor plumbing. I guess that’s the tradeoff for us modern women? Cheap.

It’s raining today, which I sort of love, not just because it matches my mood, but because the plants will all get a good soak. And because I myself won’t have to go out there and water. The Crazy approves.

We picked strawberries yesterday, and they’re so tasty and I love them for being them, but I’m vaguely annoyed that they were all a day or two past ripe, so they’re on the brink of rot. Which is unfortunate when you buy a bucket and a half. Anyway, I made a sloppy batch of chocolate-covered strawberries, and had some others sliced up on my granola, and if I can get my hands on some rhubarb in the next day or two, there will be pie. Oh, yes, there will be pie.

The limoncello has turned glowy yellow and smells all limony. Snicket.

It’s time for Mario Kart, Wiiiiiiii! Woohoo.

peace out




almost anonymous said...

If you've got freezer space, you can always make jam out of the leftovers. Although it probably requires going out for ingredients, and can make kind of a sticky mess...not compatible with The Crazy.

My parents used to save the plastic frosting containers and used those to freeze jam with the date written in Sharpie on top.

pen said...

Now that is a most excellent idea! Mainly just sugar and pectin, right? I can do that. Crazy can go out and buy those things.

almost anonymous said...

I think the most I did was stem removal, but I'm pretty sure just sugar and pectin and then cooking on the stove.

pen said...

so i'm combining my desire for pie with my need for jam. strawberry rhubarb freezer jam!