Saturday, February 9, 2008

Minuit Thoughts

  1. I feel unemployable, right at this moment. There isn't a job I've searched on the boards that I've felt qualified for, enthusiastic about or slightly envious over. Surely there must be something.
  2. My skin is dry.
  3. I found another thing to give away.
  4. I flossed.
  5. Melting chocolate in hottea is great.
  6. Rain is wonderful.
  7. Stop me from things I don't need.
  8. Things I want to start: Read the Bible in chronological order (for kicks). Why it is not already in order I don't know. Study for French II. Sell R2D2. Shots for International travel. Check thyroid. Transfer balances. Go to zoo.
  9. My hair in curls with nowhere to go.


Kurt said...

Good luck selling Artoo. R2-D2 comes from the peaceful world of Naboo, where he and a team of astromechs served the elected monarch aboard her Royal Starship. A resourceful, spunky and adventurous astromech droid, his .96-meter tall frame is packed with all sorts of tool-tipped appendages that make him a great starship mechanic and computer interface specialist.

mendacious said...

aw, maybe i should keep him then. he is really just so cute and spunky. i feel like i'm selling my possessions in order to stay unemployed but no really i'm uncluttering my life... but r2 isn't harming anyone in the attic is he. just waiting.

Daniel Bruckner said...

wow, this was depressing

Anonymous said...

Daniel, Yes, Like the refugees in the movie Casablanca, selling their gems for so much less than they were worth.

penelope said...

You're good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn it, there is a job out there for you.

Cue said...

I completely empathize re: unemployable. I really just want to do nothing. Why isn't there a job like that?