Tuesday, February 5, 2008

hello new day, by m

In a rare show of family solidarity I dragged myself out of bed at an ungodly hour and voted. My mom handed me the ballot measures, bubbled in yes/no for how they would be voting, whispered that she disagreed with my father on one of them. Check. Duly noted. I scanned them over, mumbled a few questions and only felt slightly bad i was not informed going into primary like i should be, because I have parents who will tell me what's what. Sure it was light out and normal people might be getting up for work but man... I got back in the car, whining, oh god, as mom clapped, literally, and said, Yea! Family outing! We all voted! Hurray!! (Oh god mom, stop.) She walked out of the place with 3 stickers. (Roll eyes). Then I mercilessly dismissed her outfit and told her she needed a new celebratory dance. I am an awful cranky person. But my mom, she was surprised that someone so sleepy could pull together a coordinated outfit. Thanks mom. Even so early she couldn't be the least bit snarky only gleeful and complimentary. And then I told my dad I was voting for the would be destroyer of the conservative movement... nah, just joshing i'm totally going for the "mormon"I said. I'm waiting for Swing State to tell me more about him so I will feel either a. validated by my decision or b. horrified, though his nickname of Count Chocula seems a bit biased.

Of course in our blog book our political voices... um, get deleted. Since this is something Pen and I rarely talk about and if only very politely. Pen is consiliatory and I am musing which is a testament to how much we write to each other with TenderLovingCare. But we can take it, our more brazen grr feelings. But then it's like watching the news and neither of us like our blood pressure raised or our anxiety levels. Which is why I'm not totally shocked when after posting about my ennui she posts about tv. Though reading them out of context it's actually quite abrupt and shocking. Like woh what. it's like a dose of buckuplittlecamper. But then I remind myself we're really not one brain even though reading the mass of pages it seemed to me we were. And I still sort of forget/am freaked out by the fact she has kids. I saw a picture of her on her "other blog" and I squinted and went do I know her? There she is, having all these life experiences without me. The nerve!

So now i'm up waiting for the sun to reach the garden bed where i'll be working. And I start French II TODAY.

(The caps thing is still a serious problem. I had to correct the entire paragraph above. And my spell check is totally NOT working.)


Anonymous said...

Good job for persevering with the capital letters.

And even better job for voting! I always miss living in the same state as my parents whenever there are judicial or educational positions on the ballot. Having one parent who's a teacher and another working for the Department of Corrections meant my vote wasn't so much of a random guess.

~sarah said...

my blogger spell check isn't working either. it's been out for two days.

props to you for voting! i did not get to vote today because i'm not party registered and i forgot that i could still vote on all the other stuff. my roommate reminded me last night that i could still vote, afterwhich i discovered i'm not registered at all. stupid dmv and its false promises...

and, ha, i'm commenting with no caps. nanny nanny boo boo! : )

penelope said...

The capitalization makes us look so smart, kind of like wearing glasses should.

We're not one brain? wha? I'm really in trouble then.

Kurt said...

Are you referring to an incident with the dreaded CAPS LOCK button? I hate it. The few times in life when it might be useful do not make up for the one million times it will waste your time.

Anonymous said...

Mendacious, I can't believe you voted for that nutjob. I figured a Bush-lover like your would totally swoon over the Maverick :)