Monday, August 6, 2007

Waiting to:

I'm hemorrhaging money right now: dress, crossing the white dashed line, running over a metal beam (insurance bastards), the money leaking thru my fingers- i gasp. But in lieu of a dreary post about vague non-specified, nebulous abyss like lingering anxiety- that we all have, bcs it spreads like a fungus- i will give you a list, mmm, list- of books i need to read or peruse more thoroughly: I need to get reading:

Found II
The New Book of Lists
Collected Poems: Richard Wilbur
Dud Avocado
Enjoying the Presence of God
Celebration of Discipline
City of God
Shadow of the Wind
The Mill and the Floss
Commentary of critical essays: Buffy and Angel
Anton Chekhov: Short stories
Eric Rex
Pride and Prejudice
Mind of the Maker
The # 13
bird by bird
The bad girls guide to the open road
Julie and the Wolves
Island of the Blue Dolphins
A Swiftly Tilting Planet
Galileo's Daughter


penelope said...

you're like, sooo highbrow.

Kurt said...

I will always remember the trip journal from Hawaii in "Found."

Anonymous said...

Any suggestions for your mum? Err, books to read.