Friday, August 17, 2007

thoughts for today.

1. it's hot out there.
2. i want to memorize a poem and recite it. any suggests?
3. i'm waiting for 4 books to come from amazon.
4. depositing check is absolutely essential.
5. the 2 people i've told i'm going to see 'street car named desire' have both said: "i hope it's a good production"... this makes me nervous, stella!!!!! the problem is i know stella, so there's no getting out of it and i'm going with friends.
6. my new shoes are awesome. almost but not quite as awesome as my red ones.
7. we should all dress up to do '80's air guitar riffs just because.
8. anne of greengables makes me want run thru a field of poppies.


Kurt said...


It's such a
Being always

- Langston Hughes

~sarah said...

Anne of Green Gables makes me want to kiss Gilbert and to lie down in a little canoe, arms crossed over my chest, and pushed into the river in mock romantic death. i would start sinking too b/c i'm just as accident prone as she is. : )

Danica said...

Charge of the Light Brigade by Lord Tennyson. You would make Violet very happy.

ashley said...

If you're feeling very Anne-like, may I suggest "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes. I still love to say that poem to myself because of the lovely cadence...and Anne.

Break a slate over someone's head!!

Daniel Bruckner said...

You know what my 'thought for the day' is? It's 'do you owe me 5 more bucks?

Anonymous said...

It is way too hot. How long until fall weather?

How was the show? I was just hoping for better luck for you, since my theater event last week was a drag.

We had to memorize The Jabberwoky in fourth grade. After that it was mostly Shakespeare bits, as I remember. Although The Highwayman is a good choice, considering your current reading.

mendacious said...

oh my gosh bruckner! shit! i totallly do. fuck. i hang my head in shame.

and i 'heart anne'-

two both excellent poetical suggestions!