Tuesday, August 7, 2007

j.lo gives pen heart attack, bug just says "cheese"


mendacious said...

hee. love it.

ashley said...

Ah, dads. Justin sometimes tosses Dillon in a manner that positively scares me. But he always gets Dilly to giggle, so I guess he knows what he's doing.

I can't believe K.Lo's hair! She's growing up into such a pretty little girl!

Andria said...

wow. that's quite a feat. I'm sure it would make my heart drop to walk around and see that moment/scene. I'm impressed you had enough wits about you to grab the camera and capture it for us all! :)

Ash - not to freak you out, but I know lots of stories about throwing kids up and then missing them or not being able to catch them correctly (like their legs get in the way, especially as they get older) including when my dad did this to Emily at Doug's football practice - grabbing her legs so her head still came down and smacked the ground! - and knocked her out cold. He was so embarassed and scared, he quietly made his exit (once she'd come to, obviously). My mom had totally missed it, too, until she saw his face.

hat said...

Wow, you've got quite a mountain climber there!

Kim said...

It's confusing to me when babies that used to be bald suddenly have hair. Clearly, this is going to be a problem for me when I become a mother myself.

All I know is, she's totally going to be the hot girl at the climbing wall in about sixteen years!

Kurt said...
