Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Okay, so I totally vomited this morning, for the first time this pregnancy, a detail I'm quite sure is TMI, but there's little else happening in life at the moment, so there it is. I suppose I could have chosen to talk about Australia's Next Top Model instead... which, I might actually do in another post. But for now, vomit.

No, not vomit. Because even though I vomited today, yesterday I did not vomit. I feel this may possibly be in part due to something that truly (even if temporarily) made me feel better: yogurt! Yogurt?! Indeed. Stonyfield Farm fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt, in strawberry and blueberry flavors, which is ever so much healthier for a prego than, say, Oreo Choco-Stix. Pretty much when you're feeling Green, you have to eat something, even if you don't want to. And since you're Green, and feeling sorry for yourself anyway, it follows that you absolutely should have what you're most craving. Pickles, chips and (mild) salsa, meatballs, macaroni and cheese. Yesterday I ate all of these, and then in the afternoon, to combat the 3 PM Being Green Wave, I chose yogurt. And it really seemed to do the trick, as it almost completely abolished the Being Green feeling for an hour or two--as opposed to partial abolishment, which is typically what happens with Being Green snackage. And then, later in the evening, I ate more yogurt, and almost felt... good. Like if I woke up the next day feeling that good, I might consider... working out.

Unfortunately, such was not the case. However, maybe with a little more help from Stonyfield Farm and COSTCO, I'll only Be a Pale Shade of Lime.


Andria said...

I craved/ate yogurt in the beginning of my pregnancy, too. I felt good about myself getting the good servings of dairy and even fruit! Which occasionally I would get my dairy in the form of milkshakes. with the added nutrients of chocolate chip cookie dough.
Hope your temporary reprieve from Feeling Green continues to work.

Cue said...

Supposedly there are really good enzymes in that yogurt which help with stomach stuff. My dad (who is, um, not preggers) swears by it, and has been known to feed it (in small doses) to the family dogs when they're out of whack. So, all of that to say, carry on with the good stuff. Now, if only Ben & Jerry's did the same thing...

penelope said...

Dude, that's right! I forgot we give our dogs yogurt every morning, actually, and it's helped their stomachs a lot. Huh.

Milkshakes and Ben & Jerry's, though. Now there's some ideas.