Thursday, July 31, 2008


What I've been doing with my spareworktime. And it's all because I brought my artwork in and hung it on my walls and a writer sat next to me who asked me to draw a storyboard for him so that now I draw them all. They all seem to be convinced they look like something- and with varying degrees they do- sort of. Though I sit with shame at my poor illustration skills. They take forever- and usually I don't pay enough attention to the image and it turns out all gobbly-guk but sometimes I hone my concentration skills enough and they end up having some character. And it's an interesting study in how text translates to image- what needs to be expressed verses said...etc. all for the love of the CGI recreations.


Kurt said...

The bear is so CUTE!

Thank you for sharing these.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! :)

penelope said...

These are just fantastic! So the little guy is being impaled by a swordfish, or... And also, I love the guy falling in the water to be eaten by sharks. It just warms my heart.

I love that when you're finally asked to showcase your art talents for a job, it's to illustrate gory storyboards.

mendacious said...

ah so pen! good questions:

the swordfish story: the guy is leaning fwd trying to reel in the marlin. it breaches and comes hurtling toward the boat! hits the transom (back of boat) which slows down his epic journey and just literally enters the guys mouth, swishes back and forth, narrowly missing his throat and falls down only to flop back in the ocean and almost pulls the guy in with him! the guy survived with a gash inside his cheek and some small fractures in his nasal wall.

2nd story!: this guy who got attacked by 2 yes TWO greatwhite sharks-- you tube "surfing shark attack"

he stumbles on the board, the one shark grabs his hand and pulls him under! the 2nd shark goes for him and collides with the 1st and that startles the 1st enough to let go and the guy-- he survives and narrowly misses being taken down to davy jones.

Niki said...

I'm impressed. Those are pretty fly!

Andria said...

what awesomeness. thanks for sharing!

ashley said...

I like that the bear lays down to sleep. So peaceful. Is that just before he amputates a limb?

These are totally rad.

mendacious said...


good question!
in actuality the storyboard illustrates how bears gain 1/2 their body weight before they hibernate and lose about just as much during. their heart rate also slows and they go into an energy saving sleep.

this story surrounds a mamma bear that successfully and quite rarely fends off an aggressive male bear and protects her two cubs and it was all caught on tape.

this one is a happy story! hurray!