Tuesday, July 1, 2008

i do not like them, pen i am

TEXTURE issues, noticed as of late:
-Grapes with that weird grittiness on their skin, the kind of grit that doesn't come off when you wash them. Hate that chalk-on-chalkboard feel on my teeth.
-Dry  palms, like sandpaper. Didn't think I used the antibacterial hand stuff *that* much, but clearly I am amiss on this assessment.
-Great green gobs of greasy, grimy algae in the fish tank. I know. It needs a good scrubbing. But I dread it with every fiber of my being.


Anonymous said...

I don't think I've had that problem with grapes, though I probably just jinxed myself. Is it like when you get sand in your mouth at the beach?

I don't like them if they're less than firm though. Mushy grapes...eewww. (So yes, I do test them through the bag at the store to see if they're worth getting or if I'll have to toss too many...gently.)

mendacious said...

theyre coated- those grapes. it's a dusty feel of grapes fresh from the vine that haven't been polished... or at least that's what i think it is... i have to roll each one btw thumb and forefinger to get it off.

penelope said...

ah, i didn't know it came off. note to self. maybe they're just that way at costco? as tasty as they are otherwise.