Friday, August 1, 2008

Eye Twitch Ponderance

It started my senior year in high school. This eye-twitch. This particular response to stress. And dandruff. Yes that too. Oh and excema. Little water blisters on the sides of my fingers. Itchy. So uncool. I was commenting to Penelope that in particular states I feel normal people might respond by crying, screaming, wearing black, breaking things, but I am miss-mendacious-undisturbed. My friend asked why I don't ever cry and I said, you might as well ask me to break into purple spots. It's just not in my nature to deal with sadness in that way. And of course I blame my mother. Naturally.

I internalize everything so much so that my body shows evidence of a shockwave even though I continue unperturbed. It's a useful albeit annoying coping mechanism. And in order to lessen the little epic fissures of stress I work out, get copious amounts of sleep, talk talk talk to friends and start creating art and watching silly movies like Mamma Mia... These are good things. Things that minimize the internal ruptures-- and the things that tell you that emotional, psychological impacts have physical ramifications.

And that even the things that aren't happening to you, as a being who has a spirit and a heart are effected by the things all around you and a better way to deal with loss and pain is not to despair but tend to your internal garden lest it break ; ).


Andria said...

what is there to be stressed about in high school? ;)

it may be inconvenient and annoying for you to deal with the physical effects of your coping, but I'm quite certain your friends are blessed, your body gets some needed attention (sleep exercise and laughter) and the world experiences your art thanks to your internalization and reactions to counter the negative energy you absorb.

mendacious said...

well said : )

Anonymous said...

Just as long as it doesn't give you ulcers...

ashley said...

m -
once again. sameness. amazingly rare, you are, wayfarer.

thank you for the words - your art - that water my inner garden.


penelope said...

Ah, the eye twitch. Has anyone ever googled it?

Anonymous said...


Not Thanks?

Your calm cool exterior freaks people out, you know you love that.

mendacious said...

i love the idea of me = wayfarer. you rock.

pen, i did totally google it. but what in the finding would you like me to reveal. lots of shenanigans about "involuntary muscle response" and on a couple websites "stress" "fatigue"... not one website however addressed that by having an eyetwitch you suddenly feel like an exaggerated cartoon character of outrageous portion.

picture it: hands clenched to fists, hair raised on end, steam coming out of ears, one eye squinching in upon the face and the other brow struck up and eye wide... toes curled and clothes flapping in a flurry of mayhem.

or your more subtle... villianous character being foiled by the antics of the good guys-- wiley coyote perhaps, tom...

mendacious said...

yes, mother. i had forgotten albeit briefly my powers of intimidation. thank you.

Anonymous said...

Love you dear.