Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Animal Facts Wednesday

I had to do a search for rabid animalpics and it was totally a downer. Especially with the proviso of 100% FATAL to humans. Yikes! Which led me to a disturbing video or two of actual people doomed to die who had it. Gross. UGH. Damn internet. Another reason I suppose we can have affection for our government here in the US is that they do go thru a great deal of effort to vaccinate wild life populations so that it becomes increasingly rare for people to contract it via domesticated animals HERE... because once signs appear you're deadzo. Though i do know here in SCali rabies is alive and well in the angeles crest forest- squirrels and bats you know. Ah well. Which is why people are always like if you get bitten ensue panic, capture the animal... whose fate is never anything other than death, bcs well you know animal dead is better than you dead. Reading about things like this makes me trepidacious about living. And doubly so of rescuing animals who look ill.

Part of my vaccine retenue for central america did include rabies vaccine but the deep discount price for a vial is $171. So by not doing it suddenly you feel your kissing caution to the wind. But my mind was immediately put to rest when I read on the CDC (i've grown to love them by the way) that the vaccine only buys you 24 hours-- and then still another 4/5 shot round. Either way. So don't get it: get bitten: get shots. Get it: get bitten: get shots... so there you go.

Here's some rabies info should you want to keep reading about things that go bump in the night:
  • There are 2 forms of rabies: dumb and furious (fairly awesome categorization names). dumb rabies is actually the more common form.
  • Rabies free zone: Ireland, Taiwan, Japan, Hawaii, Mauritius, Barbados and Guam
  • Dogs are the most common domestic carrier.
  • Racoons are 50% of possible victims but bats are where its at for most all the initial trouble.
  • World Rabies day: September 28th
  • Vaccinate your pets.
  • Meredith on the Office contracted Rabies.


Anonymous said...

You do realize that I now have to go google videos and pictures of rabies, which I know it advance I will regret. Thanks a lot :)

Anonymous said...

I will not.
I do not like to look and I will not.

so there.

Why don't they have a human vaccination that makes you immune like for dogs? What about cats?

penelope said...

Meredith, hee. Have you seen her on Last Comic and Family Feud? It's so strange to her smiley and sober!

So, why would they even recommend you get the rabies vaccine if it only aids you for a few days?? Or am I misunderstanding. And can't you bring like a vaccine epi-pen type thing with you in your backpack? Now I've got another reason to worry when you ABANDON ME.

Kurt said...

In all animal encounters, it is recommended that you BITE FIRST.

mendacious said...

an epi-pen for rabies would be awesome. no worries though- i won't be that far from medical attention at any point in the trip where i couldn't get medical attention in 24 hours.

i would answer all the other questions but i don't want to google about rabies anymore. i am like rabied out. but... ok, maybe later.

Anonymous said...

Those categorizations are awesome. Let's move to Ireland. Though they have other livestock diseases there...

But yeah, why bother with the vaccine if it only buys you 24 hours?