Thursday, October 18, 2007
work station part deux
this is my new workspace on the shiny 9th floor. it is a really uncomfortable desk, bcs as you see, if the placement of the computer is in the center, that means my back is to everyone who walks up, but since the computer is this way... its all cockeyed and crazy... and i didn't even put it this way. let's be honest: i'm half-assing work and i'm feeling guilty about it. i show up at 10. i leave at 5ish... i get "some stuff" done. i write a lot of emails. i take tests about my personality color or what bobblehead i would be.... i expect to be fired because i'm completely useless. i make notes to myself everyday: do more work, don't do french devoir at your travailler. do that one thing that you've been avoiding. do not compulsively check hotmail acct. do not compulsively check blog for comments. fail... leave work early anyway.
but anyway i did some redecorating after i took over the desk, took down all those harrowing post-its and phone lists sloppily taped to the back wall and noticed that the ratio of comments is skewing heavily male.... 7/3 so far in fact. also noted the verbal recognition of said work is much more forceful and convincing from the men than the women.
for example: "That looks really good." or "I like it." "Nice stripes." followed by nods of approval.
The women so far: shrug, headnod, or "cool." Totally not satisfying, but i guess for now i'll just have to go for the boys. These aren't MY boys that i blogged about before- they're corporate suitandtie boys. Totally different. But there's one guy named Steven who understood my SisterCarrie reference and then sent me an article on Paris Hilton being like Nietzsche and SchoPenHAUER on her understanding of the human condition. Aw. Totally sympatico work buddy. Hurray. Oh and here- this color arrangement on floor D of our parking garage totally inspired my color choice.. .or rather validated it. how is that not a beautiful array. Just say no to black, silver, white and tan.
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While I've always known you to be one independent of criticism, never modeling your actions around appeasing others, I've gotta say wouldn't you rather it be a 7 to 3 male ratio? Certainly you have enough female admirers, isn't it always nice to add a few hunks to the bunch?
Where do you find all these jobs?
Nietzsche I think I can understand, but please do tell about Schoenberg (the composer?).
Love it, totally understand about the half-assed work thing -- it's hard when they can't even PAY you to care.
(And that's a universal "you" I'm using.)
My work day, on the other hand, involves: dishes, laundry, diaper changes, crying (not usually me), lots and lots of checking of e-mail. No desk. No cool stripes.
g: schopenhauer. durr. yes. ha.
d: you're so right. and i love the suit/tieboy attn. i was just surprised. i might swoon at any moment.
k: i will totally post about it. it's a knack or something.
I like the stripes.
And I'm assuming you ended up on D-level because of your start time? I always hated it when I got delayed with dailies or had to go on a run and ended up way down there. (Although still much better than circling around waiting for someone to leave.)
fabulous decor!
i hate when computers are not positioned the right way at work--the "right" way being such that it is out of everyone's line of vision but your own.
Wait. SHIT! I've been so busy at my new job that I have been a remiss blog reader, but I LOVE it and I LOVE that you actually DECORATED your cube-farm and does the fact that I am SCREAMING give away my half a bottle and one glass of champagne at dinner?
Anyway - I am inspired.
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