Tuesday, October 2, 2007

a little bit more about the waiting

The thing of it is, when you get into your last month, you move forward in time monkey-bar style from your week to week appointments, which at this point are horribly uncomfortable pelvic exams, possibly with a smarmy and/or non-committal doctor that you hate. But, you get All-Important Information, such as: how many cm's dilated, what percentile effaced, and how low that baby is. This data is all concerning the state of your cervix, which you would never normally talk about in such casual and graphic terms--and hopefully you never will feel compelled to again, outside of pregnancy, because it's TMI. Honestly. But in the meantime, you can't help yourself, hanging onto it all like a prize and sharing it with everyone who asks and some who don't.

As objective as these facts are, however, it's all a ruse, a completely subjective ruse. Yes, if you've made any progress at all, that's a little less labor you will have to deal with when the time comes, which of course is a good thing. But, as far as when that time is coming? Do the data tell you anything remotely crystal ballish? No. In fact, you could have made zero progress since your last appointment and go into labor 5 minutes later. Or, you could have made a good bit of progress and be hanging out in pregotory for another 3 weeks.

You never know! It's all so fun! Weeeeeee.

With all that being said, I had an appointment today with my most favorite doctor, who totally looks like Virgina Madsen, and is at least as lovely, and she talked me down a little bit. Told me to hang in there and things, and maybe this general feeling of icky malaise that has hung on since Sunday will even out and I'll feel better for a bit.

Or, it could mean I'm getting ready to go into labor soon.

But, though there's been no cm or percentile change since Sunday, Baby N.Lo has dropped, way down, and in the end that is a concrete something.

I guess we could at least make a game of it by now, though. It is October and all, sooo...
Ladies and gentlemen, place your wagers in the comments.

P.S. As I type this, K.Lo is snorting in time to the "Elmo's World" song on Sesame Street. Oh wait, now she's mad at me for laughing.


ashley said...

Welllll, considering that they kept telling Eva for like three weeks that she could go at any moment...and she held on til her due date (sorry, Pen) I'm putting my vote in for October 26. I'm thinking mid-afternoon. 2:30ish, shall we say? Height...18 inches. Weight 7 lbs. 6 oz.

Oh, and if I have a clairvoyant dream about this, can I change my answer?

Cue said...

I am terrible at wagers, but am wishing you (and Baby N-Lo) well!!

penelope said...

Oct 26 was my original guess, too! There's a full moon that night. I don't have a guess anymore... Not really. Except that I think he will be 21 inches long.

Totally you can change your answer. I appreciate clairvoyance.

Thanks, q :)

Andria said...

I think Oct. 24th is going to be a good day. I don't know your actual due date or the statistics from K-Lo, so it's harder to make a more informed/educated (ha!) guess. I also don't think you'll go quite the full time, because it's your second and you do sound like things are progressing.

penelope said...

K.Lo was:
2 days late
5:01 AM
6 lbs, 8 oz
18 inches

Andria said...

LATE?! That's torture! Ok, still not knowing your actual due date, I'm going to stick with Oct. 24th at 5:45PM and say 7 lbs 2 oz, 20.5 inches long.

penelope said...

Whoops, due date is Oct 25. That's a day early, I like it. And that's when you're being induced, isn't it? Birthday twins, holla!

I think I'm going to place a date wager. NOT that I will be disappointed and/or psycho if N.Lo comes late. It's happened before, so I'm wary. All right, here goes: Oct 13, 3:25 PM. 7 lbs...7 oz.

But I'm always wrong.

~sarah said...

i'm gonna say... Oct. 19th, 10:45pm, 7 lbs. 3 oz., 20 inches

mendacious said...

i'm going to say:
oct. 29th
8 lbs

is there a prize?

Anonymous said...

I like the 17th, but then again I'm a bit biased toward that particular date.

penelope said...

m, hello, the prize is the satisfaction of Being Right! and pics of the baby... if you insist on something material, i suppose i can send the winner a lollipop. two if it's actually their own (or their baby's) b-day as well.

Anonymous said...

Well then, I'll have to put in for the 7th.

Anonymous said...

I think it'll be the 18th. And I think he'll be 20 inches long and 7 pounds, 11 ounces.

By the way-- I have nearly thirty stitches in my upper lip, so feel free to back out of your workshop. I'd have to carry a chalkboard to communicate, like the trumpeter swan and no mustachio would do the trick.

Anonymous said...

I will never learn to use a comma properly.

mendacious said...

uh hello- i prefer chocolate so. none of those i've been good at the dentist teeth killers.

Jessica said...

okay. october 23rd, 22 inches long, 3:14 a.m., 8 lbs. 10 oz.

good luck!
hang in there.