i do acknowledge that the last post was a little dire- thanks to kurt for actually taking the test, he will be nominated for several awards- what with my talk of death and nazis... it has sparked some debate with a few of my friends who were termed "everyday germans"... but what can you do. conversation about such things isn't necessarily bad. and hopefully my one friend who is now left pondering if her being tolerant can lead to being too tolerant... will one day speak to me again. i 'm also fascinated about the debate over labeling the armenian genocide actual genocide. and making people unhappy over such things like truth will never find a good time. and do labels really kill and divide? i guess so... but anyway, what i wanted to post about was chinatown. danica and i went here after we went to the flowermart- which is a gigantic wholesale flower distribution center. and you get'em for cheap. it is a fantastic place. i'm going again this saturday bcs i'm in actual need of flowers for a tea so i'll have to post about it then. but onward!
danica and i swung by chinatown in the quiet AM hours because she wanted to photograph the old men playing their games, drinking their coffee, reading their paper, and generally congregating with other men, escaping their wives? so early though? there were not many women present outside the aptly named "wonder bakery"... however, we were horrifically conspicuous. which i feel works in our favor, though noticed, we are so conspicuous like tourists rolling by that we are virtually left alone. we vow to be more brazen in our photographic efforts next time. chinatown is awesome. and i'm glad though a native i still get that feeling of having been a tourist in my own town... wandering into shops and pondering things i've never seen or tasted... notably: barrels of mystery root, jars of mystery tea, and rows of dried weird things. Also danica: you are a Tiger. Which i think i agree with... as I am a Dragon. And I am always right. 

things fascinated with: aloe you can eat, bulbous fish, hawks, the chinese zodiac, healing roots, colorful chinese lanterns, donuts, dragons.

things fascinated with: aloe you can eat, bulbous fish, hawks, the chinese zodiac, healing roots, colorful chinese lanterns, donuts, dragons.
edible aloe, yep. i drink i've grown fond of is passion fruit juice with pieces of aloe "jellies". it's actually much more appealing than it sounds. aloe "juice" also okay, but i rarely find myself selecting it.
Don't call it a genocide or the government of Turkey won't be our friends!
I question the accuracy of the test because in order to be in the resistance you have to agree with statements like "all politicians lie all the time." A healthy skepticism will suffice, methinks.
i agree with kurt. maybe i'm just bitter because i was classified as a ho-hum, go-with-the-flow citizen, rather than a resistance fighter. however, i refuse to be blindly extreme one way or the other. you can have your theories and philosophies, but in the end, approaching each life situation with thoughtfulness and appropriate action seems like the right thing to do.
So M, are we friends because I'm a Monkey year? (Not that I think their description fits super-well.)
I also agree with Kurt and Pen. And not only because I'm also the average citizen.
well you all could've told me this on the last post. i'm much more concerned with aloe chunks now. cuz they're so tasty.
k: interesting that that would be the pivotal question. bcs some have said that it might've been the "willing to die for your country" question- though i haven't gone back and checked.
p: yes but its' all about defining what "appropriate action" might be and whether that action comes decisively. i think it takes a lot to be willing to go against the tide- that's why its the resistance. everyone else is waiting to see the outcome and you're the one saying- hell no. i think you have to be extreme in order to understand what needs to be fought for at times. bcs most people are entirely too reasonable : )
aa: monkeys and dragons are great together. but if you're an everyday german- i hope you were at least willing to house and feed la' resistance!
i would have talked about my results last post, but i was insulted by them. hee.
i think the test makes it all too simplistic. it wants you to define FIRST what you see as appropriate action, in response to generalized questions rather than specific circumstances. again, philosophy is all well and good, and we all have our own, but as far as acting, absolutely i need to be in that situation first before i decide to act or not act, and what that action will be.
i agree that extreme viewpoints and personalities have their value; if we were all middle-of-the-road, then maybe change would never occur, or would occur too late. but as far as being that extreme personality... that's just not me. i find the average citizen description presumptuous and not giving enough credit to those who chose to weigh the circumstances a bit more rather than immediately jumping to Hell No.
basically i'm just offended at the slightest suggestion that because of my so-called personality type, i would have been complacent in Nazi Germany. all of these grievances will go in my letter to the testmaker.
'Course so. I'll make you lemonade.
Like most tests, I kept over thinking the answers and wanting clarification :)
And as Kurt said with the "all politicians lie all the time" well, there's a reason we elect representatives...so I would hope people try to pick the best reps.
Nice shots! Thanks for sharing. :)
ps: Did not yet take the test. Will apparently have to, so's I can weigh in.
i got "average german" too and was also offended. and mainly because the questions were about generic government activity and they wanted you to say things like "all politicians lie all the time" in order to be not one of the masses. if my government were rounding up Jews and putting them in camps, I would say hell no undoubtedly. if they were hemming and hawing and playing at world politics and said some things i disagree with, i might write a letter or go to a protest. i would not blow up something. i agree with pen. it's a matter of what is happening and how do you react vs. what are your general feelings about the general government. i mean, i guarantee you corrie ten boom would've gotten "average german" on this quiz and well, she certainly was anything but! viva la resistance!
I know, you've gotta wait until after noon for the women to come out :)
And as far as the Armenian genocide, don't get me started on that debate. All I know is sometime in April all hell breaks loss in some sort of car horn-honking revolt.
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