yesterdays list: (i was very adamant about everything)
post office!
workout! (which did not happen)
todays list:
work (hours?! logging responsibilites? ask vp if she hasn't gone on maternity leave yet)
reaper 9pm
movie with amber (1408?)
do french worksheet
try not be lonely
upcoming lists when i realize nothing creative is happening in those other lists:
southpark: wed (make it homeintime from French, curse broken vcr)
paint flower canvas (thursday? in btw office/earl/ time to be lonely)
friday- work on abstract painting !? or read mystery book aloud with mom.
saturday: start sorting out blog entries for tell all book, try not to be lonely, if so: start painting. or go watch tv. maybe that wodehouse playhouse you got from borders for 40% off. bcs we all know how saturday tv can be.
sunday: church it up, feel mildy skeptical about the "big surprise" they say they've got, avoid signing up for homegroup bcs it would be with strangers (maybe that wouldn't be so bad), pick flowers in garden, think about how to incorporate prayer into your daily life more, see what's on tv, stare at "projects: list" see whats up for grabs. avoid journaling about feelings and make a list instead.
At least you have the French class.
Yes, the French class should keep that delicate thread from fraying too far, you'd think.
sign up for a home group! meeting strangers may end up in gain of new friend or even, gasp, a beaux (just to tie in the whole french thing.) i'm doing it. feeling slightly skeptical as well, but hoping for the best.
do you really have a 100-year-old spoon? if so, shouldn't you put it in a glass case and brag about it often?
Moi, aussi, Mendacious.
I keep thinking I should sign up for a small group at church. (But I don't and then blame it on the eat-my-life-job.)
Sunday: lunch out after church...maybe...if your indecisive friend can ever make up her mind. (Although I'll already be out for church and leaving the house is 75% of the battle.)
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