Oh, Bug. I fully expected that the transition to Big Sisterhood would be a bit difficult. Mainly, I feel sorry for the little one, because it has to be hard to have one's mommy and daddy all to oneself, and then one day and forevermore: you now have to share. She'll get through it, I know, and I also know that ultimately, this will be (should be) a very good thing for Bug. In a year or so, she's going to have a full-fledged pal to play with every day. K.Lo's got a pretty social disposition, and while you never can guarantee two kids are going to get along, I have a feeling that for the most part, they will. In the meantime, though, right now? It's trying times. For all the Lo's. Thankfully, she continues to have her charming moments, which keep all of us sane.
This past week's highlights:

Temper tantrums thrown: Countless.
Over what: Usually nothing.
Most questionable, laughable trigger: Scary blue sock puppets on a Baby Einstein DVD, inspired screaming, running fit down hallway.
Favorite new word: "Booger." Will chase you down with blue bulb, attempt to extract boogers from all noses, N.Lo's ears.
Approximate time it takes to go down for bedtime or nap: 1 (unpleasant, filled with willful resistance) hour+
Times she's tested our patience: Countless.
Best time had: At neighbors' Halloween party, dressed as Little Orphan Annie.

Best time had, runner up: At Costco, checking out pink retro kitchen, which K.Lo thoroughly appraised and deemed "Niiice!"
And also: Helping J.Lo build bassinet.
Escalated requests to hold baby (Baby! Baby! Baby! Hold?): Countless. Often preceding temper tantrum.
Terrifying moments of decidedly un-gentle handling of N.Lo: A good handful. Pulls ears, pokes eyes, touches that soft spot. Yee-ike.
Moments of calm: Bathtime. Any time N.Lo is sleeping in the nursery, far away from Bug. When watching Elmo.

Times I've wanted to bear-hug her, just for being Bug: Countless.
Pen, she's starting to look so much more like you! That face in the Little Orphan Annie picture? Priceless.
Poor Bug. Adjustments are hard - believe me, I know. If she ever wants to talk through her transition period, tell her to call me.
Power tools already...awesome. What an advanced child.
ah, bug. one day i will see you for myself.
Hearing the description of Bug, I want to say: Baby! Baby! Baby! Hold?
She's adorable.
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