Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Freakish Mind Thing

Courtesy of the Growler: The Left Brain- Right Brain test. Okay its freaky and because i love me and like learning all about me i found the test intriguing but seriously wanted way more of an analysis... I saw the dancer spinning clockwise then midway she started spinning counterclockwise. I mean what the hell does that mean?

In another note about narcissism i figured why it made me so mad when certain people would forget my name, i always thought- am i that forgetable?! But then after a couple times and the person still couldn't remember my name or worse yet couldn't even remember meeting me, i switched to, geesh they're inconsiderate.... how fucking rude.

Anyway the brain thing, interesting no? Little brain, how wonderfully and fearfully made.

LEFT BRAIN FUNCTIONS (counter clockwise)
uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies


uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking


~sarah said...

woah! i did the exact same thing! clockwise first then she up and switched to counter clockwise. i guess that just means we're so awesome we use BOTH sides of our brains. and if you don't think so, then you need awesome lessons.

Anonymous said...


I saw her jump counter clockwise first but then spin clockwise. I think it's the first time I've come out of a "test" predominantly right-brained. I usually tend to be close to the middle, but leaning left-brained.

Although according to their list I still think I weigh in more on the left by one or two items.

Kurt said...

I see the dancer as naked.

Kurt said...

In addition: I see her turning counterclockwise if I stare at her, but if I look off to the side, she turns clockwise in my peripheral vision. Then, if I look back at her, she stays turning clockwise. Please reveal the meaning of this.

penelope said...

me: clockwise, then when i scrolled down a little, counter-clockwise. clearly i am also part of the Awesome Club.

i don't know what it all means, i just think she needs to put on a bra.

Daniel Bruckner said...

damn, kurt took mine. And I don't feel like coming up with another one :)

Kara said...

funny, my private students just showed me this about 2 weeks ago. we had fun calling out which way we saw her rotate and when she changed direction. it's a bit wild to realize that someone is looking at the exact same thing you are and yet seeing something completely different, but it makes me realize that that happens all the time in life.
i think it always starts out counter clockwise for me but frequently switches. guess my brain can't make up its mind. :o)

mendacious said...

kara: except when your friend doesn't believe you and only sees it turn clockwise. poor friend.

bruckner: its hard to have such brilliant boys charm us with their wit- but i bet you could try.

all of us: awesome club hurrah!

Cue said...

I'm going to take the test too, but I'll be shocked if I'm not a righty based on that list.

Cue said...

...Yeah. Clockwise, and then I was really TRYING to make her go the other way, but she wouldn't.

ps: I agree w. Pen. The dancer needs a bra.

Andria said...

I could not possibly make her turn counter-clockwise. I feel like I failed. Although, I don't totally disagree with the Right-brain assessment, I just thought I had more super powers than that and could see things differently.