Wednesday, January 31, 2007

take a picture, it'll last longer

Behold: a (temporarily, virtually) hairless, dirtless floor.


hat said...

I've been in SEA for a while and have seriously missed blogosphere, so I just noticed today that you've got a terrific RMR quote on the blog. Very, very nice. I love RMR.

hat said...

And I also love clean floors. Will you come sweep, mop, and wax mine, too?

ashley said...

I'm truly impressed. As someone who combats the pet-hair tumbleweeds, I know this is no small feat.

Somebody's Mom said...

little feet and big feet will be foiling this feat soon. My Roomba cleaning robot is feeling very inadewzywliquet.

Andria said...

sweet! very impressive. Dellaina's knees are very telling about the state our floors are in!

penelope said...

phew! I thought it was just my baby's knees. actually, due to her gimpy crawl form, it's usually one entire pant leg (but not the other) covered in dog hair and dirt.