Monday, January 1, 2007

The First Day

The word of the day was fatidic: of or relating to prophecy... I felt it appropriate to begin '07 on such a note. I got in my car with a faint malaise, at working but not at the new year. The last song on my cd made a merry end as if i'd turned off my radio moment too soon. I clicked it to FM and a death cab for cutie song came on- and before i looked for a prophetic meaning the song had ended and i couldn't remember the name or any of the lyrics. I burned oil @ 80 all the way into hollywood, drove thru my first hard yellow of the year and saw someone being arrested as a homeless guy was slumped on a bench near by.

I wasn't quite sure if Mc'ds was a good way to start the new year but i reasoned that i hadn't given up breakfast there, and a full and stable me made it worth it, considering i had to work, which even as i sit here among my books and a small notepad, i can only muster a tempered annoyance, but i know it's brewing. The teller wished that i would have a nice day, and departing from the scripted interchange i said, Happy New Year, and I felt it break like a spell at dawn. Ah, yes, there it is I thought, as I looked for parking, saw two women happily hugging each other, still dressed in heels and glitz- and walking, past strewn silver and black cups and an occassional streamer and the row of the homeless up and stirring behind, there it is. The new year. I don't know if it means anything but gives my heart and mind a chance to set itself toward something new even if the same story still exists.


~sarah said...

(deeply inhales) ...ah, just breathing it in...

btw, how's the roomba?

ashley said...

It's kind of anticlimatic, isn't it? Seems like we should all feel different. Or at least try to make something significant happen because it's a New Year.