Monday, July 31, 2006

I'll just have Water, Thanks.

good morning. nothing of note to report. there was a brief scare just now that they perhaps wanted us to take a couple of days off but luckily they want us here and not working, so there was a sigh of relief around the office, bcs despite the allure of a couple days off, no one wanted the cut in pay which even now isn't THAT much. looking at my finances last night, which is always a bad idea- made me wonder if the job will last till the end of september... or what if it doesn't- and if i really should have bought those 2 pairs of pants. and i wonder why i slept strangely or didn't wake up to go swimming this morning. why in my right mind would i question all of this before going to bed... possible self torture. i squirm in my seat at the thought- taking care to tuck my new skirt nicely around me and smooth my newly dyed and cut hair, sipping my $4 frappachino... it's going to take a long time to pay off all my debt- why did i even go down this road- its best not to think about it. so down down down it goes. far away from sight.

Currently listening to: "i want to be jackie onassis"...


Karima said...


on a lighter note: you can build a house of the starbucks cups and use the pants and skirt for drapes.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting paid not to work :) That's always the best, although it still takes up the day actually being at work. Are you writing in your spare time?

~sarah said...

the cut and color look great. too bad the price of greatness is never cheap... which means the box of dye i bought yesterday for $10 will only be so-so, i suppose. ;)

Kurt said...

Perhaps Merle Sneed can be of help.

Cue said...

Oh man, do I hear you. I work, then I pay the bills, and I'm back to zero again. This is not good. I catch myself being extra careful not to get hurt, or sick, because I really wouldn't be able to do a damn thing about it right now. Damn this free-wheeling lifestyle!

And that is why I haven't been writing about me.

Somebody's Mom said...

Wooh merle has some seriou income stats.

Anonymous said...

I posted this weeks ago, but you haven't asked for a free book so many you don't read comments on old blogs, so here goes again! And, by the way, I NEVER run out of things in my own life to write about (See True Success, If Aristotle Ran General Motors, Making Sense of It All, Philosophy for Dummies, The Stoic Art of Living, The Art of Achievement, and my next book, on change, for plenty of examples of getting thwon in the trunk, and so on.)

Tom Morris said...

Penelope! I promise you'll like - no, LOVE - If Harry Potter Ran General Electric! Despite the title, it's more about life than leadership and work. Well, it's about all kinds of things. The original title was "Harry Potter and the Meaning of Life" but the top biz editor at Doubleday saw the manuscript and said "People in the world of business need to read this!!!! Give it a business title and ramp up some of the what-is-success-really stuff and the courage stuff and the Dumbledore-is-a-great-leader stuff and blend it with all the desire and happiness stuff and you've got a winner" or words to that effect.

I love this book so much I'll give YOU PENELOPE a money back guarantee. Or maybe better, send me your address and get a FREE BOOK. Yeah, really. Your blog is good.