Friday, July 28, 2006


oh my goodness, ya'll. it's bagel friday. i haven't had a genuine and consistent bagel friday since that time i worked for the r/r r/w folk back in jan-march of 0-5. of course bagels are from the devil, especially fresh ones from Noah's. with 6 different spreads- and those tasty chocolate chip bagels and then those ones with blueberries or the ones covered in cinnamon and sugar- i stared at them long and hard and cut one in half. i vow by next week i will only take a quarter- and the next week i'll be off the wicked bagels forever- you will not rule me! you will not cause my insulin levels to spike then crash, you will not add fruitless calories to my intake- you will be defeated. i will not die bloated in the streets from your infamy!


Kurt said...

Why not just eat a cup of white flour?

daisy said...

You do realize that most of your readership read "noah's" and had NO idea what you were talking about? Whereas I only RECENTLY put my bagel order in at work and requested blueberry. Unfortunately, my boss only got one and the bday girl wanted it, and you're just not allowed to grab your bluberry bagel out of the bday girl's hands in corp america. Which sucks. Because I totally got stuck with some weird cheese bagel.

Anyway... My boss now does "donut friday" which I protest on a weekly basis... After I consume at least one old-fashioned.

Grrrrrr. working to make us fatter moment by moment. Assholes.

Karima said...

I gave up bagels. Next, I give up licking my lead paint walls.

Somebody's Mom said...

Baby steps towards good health! I said "no" to donuts recently... said yes to the snickers in the candy jar.

Alan Smithee said...

The caterers almost always use the day old bagels. They give those away.