Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bonus! (2)

man, i can't shake that gross, i've been thinking about the past feeling. it's like a coat of slime over my arms. i don't get it. i don't know why its there and i'd rather not think about it ever again. but whatever. hopefully it'll get better. and dammit- it's bagel friday again. just like that-

otherwise all is well- i'm feeling pretty positive- i had a quarter of a bagel, am eating carrots. took an orange for later... my parents are gone for the weekend. i feel like a lithe 21 yr old again. but am sadly disappointed for my lack of foresight in planning a party- which i have not done. and thus passes my only opp to throw a party this summer- it is perhaps best this way as throwing parties stretches my hermit status to socialite and really i never trust that people will come thru and have a good time. invariably they do but i'm always left with that tinge of doubt. sort of like entering that art fair. mainly it's a fantastic idea. but doing the unknown is slightly terrifying and i hate that. as simple as it is.

current internet research: neurotic dogs
currently listening to: talk radio online
currently drinking: water...


penelope said...

a) You should totally have a party and b) is this Zep you're researching? Awww...
Also, c) You're so sneaky with your bonuses! It's like the prize in a box of CrackerJack.

Kim said...

I still don't understand the bonuses! And I want to, so desperately badly!

Kurt said...

I had a neurotic dog named Freddie Mercury