Monday, July 17, 2006

jic you were wondering, and OMG!

Because we really care, we really do:
Oprah is NOT gay.

And, did you know (I did not), that people actually say "O-M-G" out loud, like "Oh. Em. Gee," instead of "Oh my God," or "Ohmigod?" Whenever I read "OMG," I think "ohmigod" in my head, because like...that's what it is, right? OMG is simply a polite and convenient abbreviation?

There was this lady in Target today, simultaneously on her cell phone and screaming at her two boys, something to the effect of, "What would you like me to DO ABOUT IT, little man???" She was so effing loud and mean, too. And who says "little man" in a non-facetious manner? I mean, I'm sure I'm going to have my moments with the kid, or kids, or whatever--we all do. But I more got the sense that the lady acts like this a lot. Whatever. Anyway, then she goes, very dramatic and drawn out, to no one in particular--or maybe it was to the cell: "Oh. Em. GEE!" To which I did a total double-take.

I am so out of it.


Kurt said...

That's a first for me, too.

Anonymous said...

A certain person in my office whom I have trouble liking says things like this. She also says "WTF" as in double-u tee eff. And "preesh" short for "I appreciate it." And these things contribute to why I have trouble liking her.

Anonymous said...

That's all. ;)

Cue said...

Bear in mind, some people here in the south think it's bad news to say "god" in any non-church-related context. So, "oh my god" is out. I also hear a lot of "Gee-Dee"s around here. To which I want to say, if what you really mean is "goddamnit," how is thinking it and using an abbreviation any different from saying the whole thing out loud? I am clearly out of my element.

As for saying "WTF" in letters -- PLEASE. I'll give a good ol' "what the eff" here and there, mostly if there are kids present, but with the full understanding that I'm using the F - - - word in my head.

penelope said...

Double-u tee eff. I do NOT like "preesh." (That's all--teehee.)

I figured it had something to do with not wanting to say "god," which I can... preesh. But why not just say "oh my gosh," or something to that effect. Although, "oh my heck," not so much. I do not get that one, either. What does it MEAN? If it's a euphemism, it would be for "oh my hell," but no one says that...?

Sorry if I've offended any oh-my-heckers or oh-em-gee-ers out there.

Anonymous said...

Howard always says "God Bless it" instead of "God Damn it".

Sneaky southerner.

penelope said...

It's hard for me to think of Howard as a southerner, for some reason. Huh.

I once dated a guy who said "god dog" a lot. All his friends did it, too. What was that all about.

Kim said...

Maybe the guy you dated really liked talking in palindromes?

My mom works with a lady who not only says double-u tee eff AND oh-em-gee, but also "nunya," which apparently means "none of your business." This is a phrase that makes me want to punch myself in the face.

As for preesh, that just makes me want to punch everyone. That's all.