Friday, May 26, 2006

assorted habits to (gently) advise the baby against

  1. Attempting to loosen or cut with one's teeth, such as knots, clothing tags, shrinkwrap.
  2. Leaving one, two, but especially three car spaces between one's car and the one ahead at stop lights, for no good reason.
  3. Majoring in the humanities.
  4. Paying for a tan in any capacity, such as tanning bed time, spray tanning like in that store the kids are running on The Real World: Key West, and self-tanning lotions at the drugstore.
  5. Making bad faces that will stick should a person clap you on the back, just in case that is actually true.

I expect no results, but will have said my piece.

1 comment:

Kim said...

You advise against majoring in the humanities? But what are you going to do when she comes home and announces she wants to major in business so she can be an insurance auditor?

Heyyy... wait a minute...